A Breather

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Sulking on a corner,
I should have realized it sooner.
The actions you've shown,
Are mostly negative and it has grown.
Unwanted excuses have surfaced,
And now, I grimaced.

Over the calls we've talked about dreams,
Yet now, I don't even know that as it seems.
The conversations we had,
Now it became a memory and it's so sad.
Your voice was my remedy,
But today, it's now my calamity.

Those messages we've exchanged,
Though it was in the past it still can't be replaced.
The words, so sweet and cheesy,
And now, they remind of me how I'm gloomy.
But that last thing you told me,
That sucked out all of my life, you see.


 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now