The Trials

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The trials that are weighing over me,
Has kept me to my knees and so it be.
My legs and arms may be trembling,
But I can also feel the blessing.
The blessing of strength,
To get me going at this seemingly impossible length.

The trials I'm facing,
Has made me look away and I tried escaping.
But for the most part,
I have learned to take my emotions and logic apart.
Controlling my emotions has made me bold,
And this time, you'll never see me fold.

The trials I have conquered,
Made me pondered.
As to what life really is,
And if I am here as amiss or bliss.
But after that, I have never felt so alive and beautiful.
Because now I have learned and in life: I have become successful.

- SaCr1f1CeR

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now