I Understand

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You're a hopeless romantic,
And when confronted, you become frantic.
Sometimes you deny,
sometimes you admit and when found, would defy.
But hey it's not a bad thing,
and I know that feeling.

So please don't be scared,
To try again and be dared.
It is because love doesn't need luck,
It needs effort, patience, understanding, a whole lot of trial and error and about the rumors, don't give a fuck.
So don't lose hope,
And if that doesn't work, move on and cope.

I'm saying this based on experience.
Not of my absence.
I am well aware,
As I have already bare,
This kind of situation,
Because I am a hopeless romantic myself with a lot to take care of any of my decision.

- SaCr1f1CeR

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now