Love Me

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Running away is what I usually do.
Frantically escaping these myriad of problems, too.
Nowhere to turn to.
That's what I feel while crying inside a loo.

I haven't found even the slightest clue.
My past still lingers like a glue.
I even experienced being in all hue.
Like those plastered on my skin that's colored black and blue.

I always try to take a break on the lake.
That's because I'm almost full for goodness sake.
Eating sweets cools me down and my favorite is cake.
And one of the things that makes me preoccupied is to bake.

If only people will learn to love me.
But I feel like they hate me, you see.
There reason are always that I'm needy and carefree.
But if they only knew the one thing that I need and it's simple: to love me.

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now