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Jimin's Pov

Run, hide, anything just don't get caught.

Running is all I've known since I was ten. Running from people trying to kill me, slaughter me. I've never done anything to people, never hurt or killed anyone. So why me? Just because they can that's why?

Living a life of fear is horrible. Living alone constantly on the run.
That's how my life is for me, and right now I'm running again from hunters trying to kill me. It takes me a long time to run away from them because I've never killed anybody, so I don't have human blood to keep me going.

I can barely kill an animal at some points. But I have to survive.

There are about three hunters after me and they keep getting closer and closer while shooting their guns.

I'm currently running in between trees trying to not get shot. My legs are burning but I have to keep going. I hear one gunshot go off and it hits my arm.

I stumble a little but keep pushing on. More shots go off, but luckily none of them hit me. The gunshots stop and so does the stomping.

Did they quit or are they waiting for me to stop and try to ambush me?

Either way, I still run just for a little bit more just to make sure. I soon stop at a big tree and sit down to rest. I pull out the bullet in my arm and throw it somewhere, letting my arm heal. Its about two in the morning and I'm tired, so I close my eyes and try to sleep.


I wake up to a gun clicking to my head. I try moving to get a good look at the guy. "Don't move bloodsucker," the guy says and I  instantly stop moving. I never got a good look at his face but I can tell by his clothes he's a hunter.

"Get up, slowly," the hunter ordered me. I did as I was told and got up. I finally got a good look at his face. He had dark brown eyes and mint green hair. What a weird hair color for a hunter.

"Put your hands behind your back," he ordered me again. And again I did as I was told. He put me in handcuffs so I couldn't do anything.

We began to walk in a random direction with him pushing me along. The handcuffs were really starting to hurt my wrists at this point. As we walked I kept my head down to not make the hunter angry, because I still had a gun pointed to my head.

After ten minutes of walking, we were in front of a house. The house was big but not huge if you get what I'm trying to say. It was a nice stone house with white pillars in the front.

I didn't get any more time to look at the house because I was being shoved up the stairway to the house. The hunter got out his keys and unlocked the door, and began shoving me again, this time inside his house. The hunter shut the door with his foot and walked me down a hall.

The pushed me to a door that probably led to his basement. When he opened the door, to my surprise it wasn't a basement. It was a small room with nothing in it, from what I could see because the lights were off, but there was a chair.

He turned on the lights and there was a small bed in the corner and that was it. The hunter pushed me to the chair and began to tie me down. I couldn't move at all; I could only move my head, fingers, and toes, once he was done.

The hunter walked out of the room and came back in with a knife. I have no idea what he was going to use it for but I didn't like it one bit. He walked over to me and brought a chair right in front of me to sit on.

"So vamp you're going to tell me things about your people and maybe I won't hurt you," he said twirling the knife. "I don't know anything about my people I've never been with another one in a long.......SHIT," I screamed.

He must have not liked my answer because he plunged the knife into my thigh. "Not what I was looking for, now give me an answer or you're going to be hurting a lot more than that," he said pointing to the wound on my leg.

I was panting, the wound on my leg wasn't healing because I haven't had any blood. He must have noticed because he kept looking at it. "Why are you not healing like the rest of your kind," he asked.

"I-i haven't had any human blood in my life I try to stay away from humans and vampires," I told him. He looked at my wound for a second and then pried open my mouth. He was looking at my fangs.

"Is that why you have such small fangs because you've never had human blood before," he said in a curious tone. He touched my fangs and I tried to jump back, but I was tied to the stupid chair.

My fangs were the most sensitive spot I had, and it hurt a little. He did it again but this time he pulled my fang, and I bit down on his hand. He didn't like that very much so he dragged the knife down my other thigh. I clenched my mouth shut to not scream.

"Don't bite me. Now my hand is bleeding," he said looking at his hand. I could smell the blood and it smelt great. Better than anything I've ever had. He saw me looking at his bleeding hand and brought it close to my face, but far enough that I couldn't lick it.

He was torturing me with his hand, he knew it. I was panting, it was hard when you're bleeding and you can't heal and there's human blood in front of you. It's torture.

He got up and went to the door and turned around. "I'll be back don't die on me," he said and shut the door. My wound wasn't healing and the blood hasn't stopped flowing either. Was I going to die in this hunters house?


1079 words

(Edited. 12/17/17)

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