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(Not edited)

Third person

"Your kidding right, he can't be related to the devil. If he was he wouldn't be here," Yoongi said.

Jungkook shook his head. "Its the only explanation. When a vampire tries to turn a fallen angel the angel blood submits it's self to the vampire blood, but his isn't do that. Its the only reason I think it's killing him. It doesn't want to submit to my blood because the other blood is the most powerful," Jungkook explains.

Yoongi runs his hands through his hair. He racks his brain for information, but all he knows are vampires. He doesn't come across many other supernaturals, and less the devil himself.

"Is there a way to remove it?" Namjoon asks. "I don't think so, if we tried I think it would kill him. It's been with him since birth so, no," Jungkook says.

"We are not doing that, we can't have Taehyung dying on us, he like a child to me!" Jin exclaims.

Namjoon places a hand on Jin's thigh calming him down telling him that we're not going to do that.

"Can't we just have the devil himself do it?" Taehyung asks. The room goes silent. "Taehyung do you realize what you just said. We can't just ask the devil to do something like that. He rarely talks to anybody, unless it's his wife!" Jungkook says.

Taehyung shrugs. "It's all we have a the moment. I don't see anybody else coming up with an Idea."

"Its worth a shot," Jimin speaks out of nowhere. "We can try to see if we can meet him."

"What if he doesn't?" Yoongi asks Jimin. "I don't know I haven't got that far yet," Jimin says looking down.

"Fine. I'll try, but he's very temperamental, and if we do go, Yoongi Namjoon and Jin have to stay. They can't come down with us," Jungkook explains.

"Wait, what about jimin?" Yoongi asks. "He's coming with me. I need him as back up if things go wrong."

Yoongi nods. "But if he gets hurt I'll skin you alive."

"Got it. Now I'm going to try, I need you guys to keep Taehyung till I come back," Jungkook says getting up. He kisses Taehyung on the forehead, and whispers something to him, before leaving.

Jin runs to Taehyung and hugs him tight. "Oh, it's been so long since I could hold you. I've missed you so much Tae!"

Taehyung hugs back and smiles. You could tell that he misses everybody. Being with Jungkook all the time got boring without everybody there like normal.


Jungkook hated visiting hell. It's the whole reason why he left and made his only little place in the mortal world.

Though not everybody agreed with the fact that the vampire prince was leaving Jungkook didn't care.

It was too crowded and his parents were always on his ass. They always told him how to do things and what to do, even after asking the thrown to him.

Jungkook reached the castle where the Satan lived and walked to the desk lady they had at the front.

It was weird, it was almost like a business, but not.

"What can do for you sir?" the lady asked. "I want to Schedule a meeting with the boss man."

The lady nodded and looked up his schedule. "I'm sorry sir but he doesn't have anything available till next year."

"Well tell him the vampire prince, Jeon Jungkook wants to meet him." the lady Instantly stood up straighter and bowed apologizing about the inconvenience.

"I'll see what I can do, can you please wait a few minutes," she asked. Jungkook nodded and sat down on one of the blood red chairs.

Another reason he hated it here. Everything is red, everything. The walls the curtains, the rug, everything, with an occasional black accent, but still it wasn't enough.

Like the lady said she came back and told Jungkook that he had a meeting tomorrow at noon.

Jungkook nodded and thanked the lady before walking out, ready to go back home and sleep with Taehyung.

He got to Yoongi's house and found Yoongi sitting on the couch, on the verge of falling asleep, with Jimin laying his head on his lap.

Taehyung, Jin, and Namjoon were nowhere to be found.

"Yoongi," Jungkook's deep voice cut through the silence. Jimin was up before yoongi did was, looking scared.

Once he found it was Jungkook he calmed down. Yoongi rubbed his eyes and looked at Jungkook.

"So what did you get?"

"I got it for tomorrow at noon," Jungkook explained. "Where's Taehyung?"

"Oh he's with Jin sleeping, he hasn't done that in a while so he wanted to sleep," Yoongi said getting up.

Jungkook Immediately set off to find Taehyung. He still can't control himself very well and he worried that Taehyung might do something he'll regret later.

He opened the door that smell like him and opened it. There he saw Taehyung curled up to Jin with his face in his neck.

Jungkook was surprised that he could control himself around his friends. Jungkook lifted Taehyung to take him home only for Taehyung to whine at him.

He was shocked. Taehyung had never really whined when he went to pick him up.

"Put me back down," Taehyung demanded, even if he was still half asleep.

Jungkook did not wanting to make him mad and was about to walk away. "Don't go," Taehyung said tugging on his sleeve.

"What do you want me to do Taehyung?"
"I want you to sleep next to me."

"But you already have Jin."

"So you can sleep on my other side, I don't mind." Jungkook sighed and complied with the sleepy and cute Taehyung.

He scooped Taehyung in his arms and kissed his neck. "Now go back to sleep we have a big day tomorrow."

Taehyung nodded and snuggled into Jungkook falling right back asleep with no problem.

Jungkook took a little while because he was thinking about tomorrow. How would everything work, would Satan let Taehyung live.

Everything was a mess. He just hoped it all works out.


1022 words

Ya know it's funny. I was typing 'tries' and my phone wanted to put trees. It's at the beginning where it says, 'when a vampire tries to turn' it's right there, and it did it again when I was writing that little bit.

But I caught it before I published it so you wouldn't be confused.

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