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This book is a work of fiction and anything said in this chapter, in particular, is completely made up, and any relation to any human or ethereal being is not meant to be taken as truth, everything is fake, and not facts, so please don't believe everything you read online, Please don't take offense to anything you read in this chapter. Continue now.

The chapter made by @ ShelllyRankin bc I can't come up with shit for the end of the this book.

Submissive Vampire Final Part 1

Author's P.O.V

Everyone was frozen from what just happened. Until Yoongi finally snapped out of his stupor. Yoongi started shouting orders. Demanding this and that.

"Jungkook! Grab Jimin! Put him on the table!" The first order he stated had everyone else snapping back into reality. The white glow around Jimin finally fading. Jongin and Kyungsoo were helping Jungkook to lift Jimin. All three of them rushing to the table, with Jimin's upper body supported by Jungkook, the lower supported by the demon's strength, each carrying a leg. Because Jimin's thigh muscles are bulging from running and hiding for so long.

Once he was resting on the table, the demons began to inspect him.

Jimin's body is flawless, the scars he once had were nowhere to be seen. The scars from him running and escaping, replaced by flawless skin, near perfection, along with chocolate abs. Perfect skin, the skin, and muscular figure, men and women alike yearn for.

"What ha-happened to Jimin?!" Jungkook stuttered. They could all see this was shaking him up. The banging on the door from the people who were chasing him finally stopped, relaxing him barely. But still stressed and worried about Jimin.

"We don't know," Jongin said. Jungkook was close to tears, along with the others, when a bright white glow, suddenly surrounds all of them.

The light becoming blinding. When the light finally cleared, they were in a different place, in front of an ethereal being in an all white room. They felt like they were standing on clouds.

Suddenly the man spoke, "I have brought you here today because you are such close friends with Jimin, I will explain to you what has happened. But once I do, I will have to wipe your memories of ever coming here. You will remember me but you will not remember this place, where you are at right now. Except for you demons. Your minds will have to be wiped completely." The man saw they were about to object to this, he intervened, "I am sorry but you are demons standing in heaven right now, what am I supposed to do?" He paused, seemingly to let us take it in, and absorb this new information.

"Wait," Yoongi questioned, "What do you mean by 'We're in Heaven'? Why would you bring us here?"

"I brought you here to explain, as I've already said, I will explain to you what has happened with Jimin, but only because you are such loyal friends with him." Everyone looked hesitant to hear the mysterious man out.

Then, suddenly a light bulb went off in everyone's head, "WHERE IS JIMIN?!?!" Exclaiming at the same time. They all had no clue where he was. Yoongi immediately got furious, "Where did you put him?!" Yoongi was glaring at the man, if people could die from glares, the man Yoongi was glaring at would be thousands of feet below hell right about now.

"He is in his room." The man calmly stated. Everyone was confused at the man's statement. Throwing out questions in chaos, the man waited patiently until it simmered down. "Now to answer all of your questions, I am God, and Jimin is my son." Even more, chaos erupted, shouting was made, questions were formed. The man, who claimed to be God, waited patiently again. Once the shouting died down again, he started explaining.

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