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Don't kill me, I'm sorry


Not my edit

Jimin's Pov

I slowly open my eyes to darkness. I got up and tried to find a light switch, because my eyes didn't work like other vampires, but I couldn't find one. I saw a window and went over to it looking out into the night sky. I see the full moon, high in the sky, telling me it about three in the morning.

I wonder if Yoongi is sleeping. I walk back to the bed, sat down, and leaned against the wall trying to fall asleep. I hear a door open, keys drop on a table, I then heard footsteps walking down the hallway, stopping in front of my room's door. I smelt a little bit of blood but I didn't know who it belonged to.

The lock on the door clicks and the door opens. Light invades the room making me cover my eyes. I couldn't tell if it was Suga because of the different blood smells on him. The person turned on the light and looked at me.

It was Suga.

"I thought you would still be asleep," he said. "I just woke up not too long ago," I told him. Taking a good look at him he had blood all over his clothes and I could see the knife that he used on me, all bloody, and he was holding a gun.

I started to shake because I was afraid that he was done with me and I was going to be killed next. He seemed to notice and said, "Give me ten minutes and I'll be back," and shut the door but this time he didn't lock it. I don't know if he forgot or if he knew I wouldn't leave, afraid that he would hurt me again.

I closed my eyes to pass the time and waited for him to come back. I don't if I've grown comfortable with him or not, but I trusted he wouldn't hurt me on purpose.

Ten minutes later as he said, the door opened and there he stood in a white T-shirt and basketball shorts. His hair was still wet making it stick to his forehead. He looked hot.

I started to blush so I looked down so he couldn't see my face. He walked over to the bed and sat down. "So what are you doing up so late, Jimin," he asked me.

I don't know if I wanted to tell him or not. But I did anyway. "I'm normally on the run right now from hunters, trying not to get killed," I told him. He looked down but didn't say anything.

"It usually takes me about two hours to outrun them," I said bringing my knees up to my face. "Why does it take you so long?" he asked curiously.

"It's because I don't feed off of humans, I drink animal blood. It doesn't give me the power to run at full speed like the rest of my kind," I explained. "Oh I didn't know," he said. "Is there anything else that you don't have like other vampires," he asked.

"Other than being able to run fast, I don't know. What do they do when you fight them?" I asked. "They try to use their fangs a lot to fight, other than that I've never seen a vampire do anything else besides using brute strength," he explained.

"Well then that makes me like a human right now, besides the thirst for blood," I said picking at my fingernails. "You look like a human, I can barely see your fangs," he told me.

"Thanks that makes me feel great," I said sarcastically. He looked at me and rubbed the back of his head and apologized. "Well, you need to try to go back to sleep so your not tired tomorrow," he said getting up to leave.

I nodded my head and curled into a ball and closed my eyes. Suga shut the light off and closed the door. This time he locked it. I soon fell into blackness.


"You fucking bloodsucker, my family died trying to kill your kind, now you are going to pay," the man said while getting out a whip. The whip cracked and landed on my back, One after another.

"You filth, you think that just because you don't drink human blood makes you human. Well, let me remind you, you will always be a bloodsucker. Nobody can tell you otherwise," the man said constantly whipping me to everything he said.

"STOP IT," I screamed at the man. He didn't like my choice of word and got a knife that was hanging on the wall. I couldn't see what he was going to do but I felt the knife touch my back and then get slashed down in a fast motion from my shoulder to my lower back.

I screamed as my blood ran down my back and collected in a puddle below me. My legs finally gave out after so long and I was hanging from my wrists. The pain was almost unbearable. I tried to stand a little to get the pressure off my wrists.

I finally got back on my feet after five minutes of hanging and stood there and leaned against the wall for support. The door to the room opened soon after letting a brighter light into the room.

Another man came in and pressed a hand to my back. I hissed from the pain and tried to turn around to bite him, but he grabbed hold of my neck and slammed me into the wall. I felt something snap, and pain flooded my mind.

He had just snapped my ankle. I screamed again which seemed to be hundredth time that night. The second man called the first man over and told him to do something. I couldn't focus on what they were saying because pain clouded my mind, from all the pain across my back and ankle.

The first man said okay and they both got something from the wall. Then two whips cracked against the air. And that's when I knew that my night would be filled with more pain than I could ever fathom.

The two whips came down on my back in the same place, making the pain twice as worse. My screams echoed off the walls and bounced back right into my ears.



"Jimin! Please wake up."

I bolted upright on the bed into a sitting position. "Jimin ... Jimin calms down." I realized that Suga was trying to calm me down because I was hyperventilating.

I looked him in the eyes and saw that he was worried and scared for me. I finally broke into tears and grabbed Suga. He wrapped his arms around me and started to rub my back trying to calm me down more.

I was still sobbing into his shirt but I wasn't hyperventilating anymore When Suga thought I was asleep and tried to put me on the bed and then started to walk out. I grabbed his shirt and asked, "Can you stay with me."

He didn't say anything, but he climbed into the bed. I snuggled into him breathing in his scent, calming me even more. He wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes.

"Night Jimin"

"Night Hyung"


1232 words

(Edited 12/17/17)

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