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(Not edited)


Man, my head hurt like a bitch. What did I do last night? I don't drink so what did I do. I roll over to grab yoongi, but I can't move. I open my eyes and see I'm strapped to a metal table.

Oh crap. I've been here before. I start to shake in fear of what they're going to do to me. I've been missing for years and now they've found me.

They could kill me or just do more experiment on me, and I don't want that. Oh god, what is Yoongi doing now?

I've probably been missing for a few hours or more. I wonder if he's looking for me.

Don't get your hopes up Jimin. You're a vampire and he's a vampire hunter, but he said he loved me.

I don't know, but I won't hope because I've done that when I was in here when I was younger but I was here for five years.

The door opens to the room I'm in and in steps the man that started it. "It's great to see you Jimin. Last time I saw you, you were ten. How grown up you've become," he muses.

I don't say anything but just lay there. Mr. Kim just smirks. "I see you remember the rules."

My eyes widen. I haven't been here in forever but my mind still follows the rules, afraid of being beaten.  I look away from Mr. Kim and try to slow down my breathing.

If he knew I was afraid he would find pleasure in seeing me in fear, and I'm not giving it to him.

"So Jimin how you been. We could never find you in the woods anymore, so we suspected that you had died. But when one of our employees said that they found you playing with the kids in the park, I was beyond shocked. So I made a plan to get you back the next time you went, but what really surprised me was that you were with somebody. I had somebody take a picture of him, and you know what I found Jimin," he smiled with all teeth.

"I found out he is a hunter. Your living with a hunter and your not dead, that's another surprise."

He was about to keep going when someone knocked on the door. "Come in," he huffed. The door opened and my eyes went wide.

"Father I would like to personally take care of him," Namjoon said not looking at me. Mr. Kim thought for a moment.

"Fine but I don't want him dead, understand?" Namjoon nodded his head. He brought his hands from behind his back and in his hand, he held my collar that had my name and number on it.

Namjoon clipped it around my neck and hooked the leash to it. He undid the straps and pulled me to the door.

Once we were out of sight he brought me close to his face. "Pretend to not know me," was all he whispered. I didn't nod or say anything.

I was just in too much fear. The memory of this place and the collar was enough to send me into a panic.

Namjoon led me down a hall that I was not use to and opened a door. He pulled me inside and closed it locking it. When Namjoon turned around his eyes went wide.

I was sitting on my legs ready for punishment. I was visibly shaking and Namjoon put his hands behind my head and I tightly closed my eyes waiting.

When nothing came I saw Namjoon had taken off the collar and threw it on the floor. He pulled me into a hug and I crumbled.

I cried into his shoulder holding onto his arms afraid to lose him. "It's going to be ok," he soothed me, rubbing my back. I had somewhat calmed down and just laid my head on his shoulder.

"Yoongi's coming," Namjoon spoke. I jerked my head up, almost hitting Namjoon in the head. "What!" I said quietly.

Namjoon smiled at me. "He's on his way." I couldn't help but smile. I wasn't going to be stuck in here, I was going to be saved.

I hugged Namjoon tightly. "Thank you for being here for me."

"You're my friend Jimin, this is what friends do," he hugged me back. There was a knock on the door. Me and Namjoon both jumped.

He grabbed the collar off the floor and put it back on me, making me feel like an animal again. Namjoon stood up and unlocked the door opening it.

There stood his father. His face angry and but also emotionless. I still sat on the floor as Namjoon just stared at his father.

"I'm disappointed in you Namjoon. I thought you were going to torture him, not sit and talk like good friends do," his father said with an angry tone.

Namjoon looked down but quickly looked back up at his father. "I was father after I got some information out of him," Namjoon said trying to convince his father, but his father wasn't having any of it.

"If you want to be friendly with him then how about you watch me torture him. Will see how you do then," his father said, and grabbed Namjoon by the arm and yanked the leash on practically dragging me.

The fear before crawled back into me. I know if I didn't do something Yoongi probably wouldn't be able to get to us in time so I stopped walking, getting Mr. Kim's attention.

He looked back at me in shock and anger. "So you've finally decided to defy me. Not a very smart move Jimin." He turned to one of the staff walking down the hall and told them to hold Namjoon.

He came up to me and I hissed. He smiled his crazy smile and yanked the leash making me fall forward. He grabbed ahold of my arms and held them with one hand. He used his other hand to open my mouth.

"I wonder if it hurts to get your fangs pulled." I retracted my fangs and his face was all in shock. He never knew I could do that. He had always thought that back then that my fangs hadn't come in yet. When in all reality I could retract them.

His shocked expression turned into one of a crazy Psychopath. "I'm going to have fun experimenting on you again." My strong front crumbled and the fear settled in again.

He grabbed Namjoon again and told the staff to follow us. When we got to the room that I hated the most he told the employee to tie Namjoon to the chair while he chained me to the wall.

My nightmare returned to me full force, showing me all that they could do to me, and I knew that I was going to relive them.


1157 words

I finally got over my writer's block.

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