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Jimin's Pov

I woke up to the door opening. I opened my eyes and saw the hunter standing there ... he had something in his hands but I couldn't decipher what it was. 

"You didn't die on me I see," the hunter said with a smirk. "I wish I would have died, I'm in pain," I sassed back. The hunter just laughed. "You're different from the rest of your kind, they wouldn't talk at all," the hunter said.

"Well for your information, I didn't ask to be this," I told him. He didn't say anything but just sat down on the chair in front of me again. "I brought you something so you don't die on me," he said holding up a blood bag.

"It's not human blood though, it's animal blood," he said opening it. The smell hit my nose and my fangs throbbed so much it hurt. "You can't have all of it, I'm not going out every night to get your blood, so only half," he said bringing it to my mouth because my hands were tied.

My lips latched on to the bag and a began to suck. The blood rushed over my tongue and I leaned forward to get more. But as soon as the blood hit my tongue it was gone immediately after that. The hunter pulled the blood bag away from me and kept it in my face.

He loves to torture me and I hate that. "You look funny when you to try to be angry," he laughed. "Whatever," I said. "So do you really not know anything about your kind?" he asked.

"No, I've only met one other vampire and he tried to kill me, so I try to avoid them," I told him. "Why would they try to kill you if your one of them?" he asked confused

"I don't know," I said looking away. I didn't want him to find out that I was lying. He just nodded his head and got up. He walked behind me where I couldn't see him.

"If I untie you will you run?"

"I don't have anywhere to go, so probably not," I told him. "And as long as you don't hurt me anymore," I added. "As long as you don't do something like you did yesterday and bite my hand," he said.

"That's not my fault you pulled my fang that hurt," I defended. He untied my hands first and I rubbed my wrists. They were both red and had rope burn from me trying to get away from him.

He next untied my legs and stood up in front of me. I slowly got up and stood in front of him. The hunter and I were the same height, or maybe he was a little bit taller I couldn't tell.

"Alright bloodsucker don't touch or break anything and you will be fine," he said. "I have a name you know," I said looking at him. "Well then what's your name," he asked.

"My name is Jimin, Park Jimin," I told him. "What's yours, "I asked. "My nickname is Suga, I won't tell you my real name until you've gained my trust," he said.

"Okay, so am I allowed out of this room or am I stuck in here?" I asked looking around the room. "You are allowed out but only if I'm home and you have to stay in my line of sight at all times, and when I'm not home you will be locked in here. Do you understand?" he asked.

I nodded my head and we both walked out the door. His house was beautiful; there were high cathedral ceilings, the walls were beige, and the couch was leather. There was also a big flat screen TV hanging on the wall.

"Your house is beautiful," I told him in awe. "Thanks," he said. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I didn't know where to sit, do I sit on the couch or the floor? I thought to myself.

He must have noticed I didn't know what to do so he said, "You can sit on the couch." I nodded and slowly walked to the couch and sat on the other side. I still don't trust him, he's a hunter after all he could kill me at any given moment.

Playing on the TV was anime, I didn't know what the name of the show was called but it did look interesting.

Yoongi's Pov

For a vampire he sure is weird. He's never attempted to kill me. He only bit me but that's because I pulled his fang. I didn't know that it would hurt that bad. He's told me that he's always been on his own and that a vampire tried to kill him once. He said he didn't know why but I have a strong feeling that he's lying.

I kinda feel bad for stabbing him in the leg. He answered my question but I didn't like it. I let my anger get the best of me, sadly.

Right now he's sitting on the other side of the couch with his knees brought up it his face. I know he's scared of me but I will only hurt him if he tries something on me.

To me, he seems very submissive like someone made him that way. I wonder what they could have done. I look over at Jimin and see that he fell asleep. He looks cute with his pink hair in his face. I get up and look at his legs.

The wounds have healed but there is still marks where I stabbed him. I picked him up and carried him to the room he was in previously. I gently lay him on the bed and looked at him one more time before I shut the door and locked it.

I looked out the window and the sun was setting. It was about time for me to do my job and kill vampires. I go to my room, walk into the bathroom, and take a shower.

I get out and put on my black shirt and jacket. I pull on my black skinny jeans and combat boots. I grab my gun, knife, and other things; slipping out of the door and into the night.


1055 words

(Edited 12/17/17)

Submissive Vampire(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now