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(Not edited)

Yoongis pov

There was a faint knock at the door, an hour after Jimin fell asleep. I didn't get up to get it because I knew Jin or Namjoon would get it.

The door opened and quiet voices were heard from the living room. I assumed it was Jungkook because he's the only one who comes over this late.

I slowly got up trying not to wake Jimin. Jimin moved around but for the most part, didn't wake up. I slipped out of the bedroom into the living room.

There Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting, talking to Namjoon while Jin was in the kitchen. "Ah Yoongi, just the person I wanted to talk to," Jungkook said getting up.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? To start with, I know Jimin is awake."

"And how did you know that?"

"Well first of all the first thing you smell when you walk into the house is sex, and I know it isn't those two," he said pointing to Namjoon and Jin. Both Namjoon and Jin blushed.

"Yah who said you could come in here saying those things," Jin told Jungkook pointing a finger. "Well I would like to see Jimin if you don't mind Yoongi," Jungkook said completely ignoring Jin.

"Its fine but he's sleeping right now, and I don't know when he's going to get up."

"That's ok, his body is trying to get all his energy back so he needs sleep, well I guess he had enough energy to Fuck so I don't know," Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

Taehyung pulled on Jungkook's shirt. "Can I go see Jimin?"
"Yes baby, but you have to wait if you want you can sleep on the couch," Jungkook said ruffling Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung nodded and fell on the couch. "Why do you always come here so late," Jin asked. "I don't know, really."

"Yoongi, can you come back to bed."

Jimin had just walked into the room half asleep and he hasn't noticed Jungkook yet. I am still a little worried about how Jimin will react. It could go either way. He takes it great and nothing happens or he blows up and starts to fight Jungkook again.

And I don't really want the second one. "Jimin, come here," I say hold open my arms. He walked into my arms and just leaned against me. "Why did you get up," he mumbled into my chest.

Do I tell him Jungkook's here or what, I don't know what to do and it's killing me. If I tell him things could go downhill. "Jimin why don't you open your eyes and see who's here," I said petting his head.

I looked at Namjoon and Jin and moved my head signaling them to leave the room. Namjoon nodded his head and dragged a reluctant Jin out of the room and into one of the spare bedrooms.

I looked at Jungkook and saw the guilt in his eyes. He knew Jimin was gonna lose it when he found out about Taehyung and it was only a matter of time now.

From what I've been told Jimin despises turning people into vampires. I can't really blame him. He was an experiment but he was human. He knows how it feels to be human and vampire. To live half of you life human, and then be sold by your parents to be experimented on to be a vampire.

Third person

Jimin looked at Yoongi and then to see someone laying on the couch. He walked away from Yoongi and squatted down by the couch. Jimin shook the person's shoulder and the person groaned and rolled over.

His eyes widened as he saw who it was. "Taehyung," Jimin whispered, surprised. "Warning he's grumpy when someone wakes him up."

Jimin looked up at the voice, his face turning red with anger. Yoongi saw the look in Jimin's eyes and was terrified. The look of someone wanting to kill.

"You," Jimin said walking over to Jungkook." Why are you here, after everything you have done you have to nerve to show your face here," Jimin said in a low voice.

"I came to help you get better," Jungkook defended himself. "Well did it ever occur to you that I was like that because of you," Jimin spat back.

The tension in the air turned thick and Yoongi couldn't stand it. "Jimin I know what he did but he came to help you get better because he felt guilty," Yoongi said casually walking over to Jimin.
Jimin turned to Yoongi and glared at him. "I thought you were on my side, now you siding with him. In case you don't remember he took Taehyung from what you told me," Jimin said walking over to Taehyung.

"Tell me Jungkook what did you do to Taehyung here, I can tell something off."

"Its something that you despise with your every fiber of your being," Jungkook told Jimin. Jimin's eyes turned a dark red and lunged at Jungkook. "You know I hate vampires, and you know I hate living," Jimin yelled grabbing Jungkook's throat.

"I know..." Jungkook choked out. "THEN WHY," Jimin screamed this time, tightening his hold on his throat.

Yoongi was scared of Jimin at the moment and didn't know what to do, he was frozen. Yoongi had never felt so weak against a vampire before, this was the first. The look in Jimin's eyes was something more and Yoongi was scared for his life looking at him.

"Jimin," Yoongi wearily said. Jimin didn't even glance at him, he didn't even twitch, yet Yoongi knew he heard him. Yoongi slowly got up and walked over to Jimin, who was right now ready to kill Jungkook. Taehyung was still passed out on the couch.

With Yoongi slowly inching closer to Jimin, Jimin never took his eyes off of Jungkook. "Yoongi stay right there," Jungkook choked out again, Jimin tightening his hold more.

Yoongi didn't listen. "Stay away, he can't control him felt right now. His instincts have kicked in and he doesn't know who is who."

Again, Yoongi didn't listen and was next to Jimin by the time Jungkook was done talking. "Jimin," Yoongi spoke softly while touching Jimin.

Jimin just glanced at Yoongi never moving. "Yoongi get away from me before I hurt you," Jimin mumbled. "I can't do that Jimin. This is not you, you need to let Jungkook go and calm down."

Jimin closed his eyes and breathed in. The threw Jungkook down and pulled Yoongi away with him. "Get out the house before I actually decide to kill you, and take Taehyung," Jimin said shutting the bedroom door to his and Yoongis room.

Jimin threw Yoongi on the bed. "What was that for," Yoongi said sitting up on his elbows. "You're getting a punishment for siding with Jungkook," Jimin smirked at Yoongi climbing on the bed with him.

"And I'm gonna have a lot of fun."


1162 words

So someone asked me to make Jimin mean so I did, but there is going to be more and its going to be fun.

Submissive Vampire(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora