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(Not edited)

Jimin's Pov


I woke up to somebody calling a guy named Yoongi, in sugas house. I heard footsteps walking around the house and opening every door, looking for 'yoongi'. I looked at suga to see he was still asleep.

I shook him awake. "Suga someone's in your house," I said. He groaned and turned over mumbling, "five more minutes." I shook him harder this time. "Suga please get up," I said louder in his ear.

He finally opened his eyes and sat up looking at me. "What is it Jimin," he asked rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. "Someone's here in your house screaming the name 'yoongi'," I told him.

I don't think I've ever seen someone get up so fast in my life. "Stay in here, and don't make a sound," he said walking to the door. He opened the door and looked out to see if anybody was there and when the coast was clear he walked out.

He shut the door quietly and shouted, "I'm right here Taehyung." The said person ran down the hall to meet suga. "There you are Yoongi, I couldn't find you anywhere," the boy Taehyung said.

So suga's real name is Yoongi. "Sorry Tae I was doing something," Yoongi said. "Its fine man, but why were you in that room, you never go in there?" Taehyung asked.

"Its nothing I was just fixing something," Yoongi lied. "You're lying I can tell, now tell me the real reason you were in their Yoongi," Taehyung demanded.

"I'm not telling you, now what do you want," Yoongi said forcefully, trying to change the subject. "Stop trying to change the subject at hand, tell me what you were doing behind this door," Taehyung demanded again, this time stomping his foot.

"I'm not going to tell you......HEY," Yoongi yelled at Taehyung. I realized why he was yelling because the door to my room opened right after that reviling the guy Taehyung. "Who the hell is this," Taehyung asked Yoongi while pointing to me.

I had brought my knees to my chest and just looked at them afraid. "Like I said Tae its none of you business, now get out," Yoongi commanded pointing to the door. Again Taehyung didn't listen and began to walk over to me. Yoongi tried to stop him by grabbing him bet he was persistent.

Now he was in my face studying it trying to figure me out. I didn't dare open my mouth afraid that he would see my fangs, and try to kill me. "What's your name pretty face," Taehyung asked me.

"Jimin," I said with my face down. "Nice to meet you Jimin, my name is Taehyung," he said smiling a box smile. Before he could say anything next Yoongi grabbed Taehyung and began to drag him out. But Taehyung grabbed me and dragged me with him not letting go.

Once Yoongi saw that he stopped and came over to me and picked me up out of Taehyung's grip and started to walk to the bed, but Taehyung got up and grabbed me again. Yoongi finely gave up and said, "Tae this is Jimin I found him two days ago."

"But why do you keep him in here, you only keep vampires....." Taehyung must have realized what I was because he came at me and took me from Yoongis arms and grabbed my throat and slammed me into the wall and started to choke me.

"Why do you have a filthy bloodsucker in your house, you normally would have killed them by now, unless they were special but I don't see anything special about this one," Taehyung angerly said to Yoongi, while still looking at me.

It was slowly getting harder to breathe because Taehyung kept tightening his hand around my throat. My hands were around his wrist trying to get his hands off my throat, but my strength was weak compared to his.

I tried kicking him but he just tightened his hand on my throat making me stop. "Why is this one so weak Yoongi," he asked looking over his shoulder at Yoongi. "Because he's never had human blood before," Yoongi told him while walking over to him.
"Now put him down Tae," Yoongi said. And Taehyung did just that, but he dropped me. I fell to the floor coughing and holding my throat. I'm pretty sure it was going to bruise.

Yoongi got down on my level and lifted my chin. He saw me close my eyes in pain and looked at my neck. I could tell it was already starting to bruise. He looked up at Taehyung with an angry expression. "Go find something to do while I help Jimin," he told Taehyung.

He looked at me one more time with narrowed eyes and preceded to walk out slamming the door. Yoongi got up to lock the door so he couldn't come back in.

He came back over to me and took another look at my neck. I felt a little self-conscious about it but I didn't say anything. "Does it hurt," he asked.

I nodded my head but regretted it afterward. He must have seen me nod my head because he walked out the door and one minute later he came back in with a blood bag. "You can have the rest," he said handing me the bag. I slowly took the bag from him and brought it to my lips.

Once the blood hit my tongue the pain faded away. I began to drink the rest of the bag making slurping noises. I finished all the blood and intently felt like I was going to be sick. I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up all the blood that I just drank into the toilet. Yoongi was rubbing my back as I dry heaved into the toilet.

Once I was done I fell on the floor too weak to get back up. Yoongi picked me up and took me to the bed. He felt my forehead and intently retracted his hand back. "Jimin you're burning up," Yoongi said worriedly.

He got up and went to the bathroom and brought back a wet washcloth, and put it over my forehead. "I'll be right back," he told me and walked out the room.

I have no idea what is wrong with me, I've never been sick before, I don't even think vampires can get sick. I drank the blood but that's it. I've never been sick after drinking before?

Yoongi walked back in the room with something in his hand and a glass of water, I honestly hate water it tastes so bland. "Here I brought you medicine for you I don't really know what its called I just grabbed it, I hope it makes you feel better," Yoongi said handing me the pills.

I grabbed the towel and sat up and put the pills in my mouth and drank the water afterward. I must have made a face of disgust because he laughed at me. "It's not funny water tastes bland to me," I told him handing him back the cup. "Really, I never knew that," he said still laughing.

I felt eyelids start to get heavy and it was hard to keep my eyes open. "What did you give me," I asked slowly laying back down. "I don't know I just gave you something, why," he asked but I never got to answer because the world went dark.


1260 words

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