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(Not edited)


My head hurt like a bitch, and it is all because of the damn horns. They hurt coming in but now it's just Torture.

It makes me what to pull them out of my head, and what makes it worse is when somebody touches them, even when I touch them it hurts.

"Taehyung," Jungkook says. I groan and roll over putting my face in the pillow. "Come on Taehyung you need to get up."

"But I don't want to. My head hurts," I wined. Jungkook rubs my back and I just lay there. It feels good and distracts me from my pain.

"Does that feel good?"


"Good because you're getting out of bed," he says and stops rubbing my back. "Jungkook," I wined again. "That's not fair."

"Sorry Tae but you've been in bed for three days," he says pulling my leg. "Yeah, and you think this pain would go away," I sass back.

"Sorry Tae, it there's nothing I can do. I don't know what to do."

"It's fine. Let's just hope it goes away."


Third person

"Jimin I don't want to go to the park again," Yoongi said trying to get Jimin to change his mind, but Jimin wasn't having it.

"Jimin I promised one of the kids I would see them again. I can break a promise to her," Jimin retorted back.

Yoongi just sighed. "Jimin I'm not going and that's final. I don't care if you made a promise."

Yoongi thought Jimin would just walk away but it was the total opposite. Jimin walked up to Yoongi and grabbed his shirt collar.

"If you don't want to go then I'll go by myself," Jimin hissed at him, his eyes red. Yoongi was shocked at Jimin.

He never got mad at him and the only other time was because of something else, but here Jimin is ready to rip Yoongi's head off at not caring about a promise.

Jimin ruffly let go of Yoongi and left the house slamming the door. Yoongi just sat on the couch wide-eyed staring at the door.

"What the hell," he whispered. This was a first.

Jimin walked to the park to see the little kids and play with him but he needs to cool down some before going.

When Jimin got to the park he saw a bench not taken and sat down breathing in and out.

Not long after he sat down one of the little kids came up and tugged on his shirt. Jimin looked at the boy and smiled.
"Do you need anything?" He asked. The boy nodded. "I can't find my mommy and daddy," the little boy said, his voice wavering.

Jimin immediately got up and squatted to the boy's height. "Where did you last see them?" all Jimin's anger left and was now worried.

"I don't know," the boy pouted. Jimin gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll help you find them, why don't we start looking."

The boy nodded and held Jimin's hand. "What's your name little one? Jimin asked.

"My names Kai," the boy answered. "Awe that's such a cute name," Jimin smiled. Kai smiled and lead Jimin down an alley.

"Is this where you last saw your parents?" Jimin asked. Kai didn't answer and let go of Jimin's hand.

Jimin looked at Kai worried and was about to ask what was wrong when someone grabbed him.

Jimin kicked his legs and threw punches trying to get the person off of him but nothing worked.

When the man slammed Jimin on the ground, jimin was stunned for a second. When he gained his composer he flipped himself on his back and lunged at the man.

The man was surprised but grabbed him by the throat and held him to the ground.

Jimin hissed at the man showing his fangs. The man smiled and brought his finger to Jimin's fang.

Jimin immediately retracted them. The man's smile grew and he picked Jimin up. He tied his hands behind his back and then put his back to his chest.

Jimin wiggled around but he stopped when he saw a person walking towards him.

"It has been a long time, Jimin."


Yoongi pasted around his living room not straying from the front door. Jimin hadn't come home in three hours, and Yoongi was beginning to worry.

He had called Jungkook but he didn't answer. He preceded to call Namjoon, only to get the same thing.

By this time he was freaking the hell out. Jimin has never been out into the city by himself. He had only been by himself in the woods.

It was currently dark when Yoongi decided to head out. He grabbed all his hunting equipment, that he hadn't used for months, and left.

He headed to the now Deserted park and looked around the area. It was hard to look because there was nothing to show that he was here.

Yoongi walked around the whole city to find no trace of Jimin. Nothing showed that he was ever here.

Yoongi was ready to go to the police when his phone rang. He answered it, it was Namjoon.

Yoongi dropped his phone at what Namjoon told him. His world was crashing in on him.


875 words

So there may be an ending soon but I don't know yet. I may just keep going who knows.

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