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(Not edited)

"My prince, the humans are experimenting on humans again and they have succeeded."

Jungkook looked at the messenger. "They have succeeded?" Jungkook curiously asks. The messenger nodded his head.

Jungkook turned to his room. "I will go, make sure nobody know of this."

"Of course my prince."


Jungkook runs through the woods to where the humans are experimenting on other humans.

He stops and listens to the voices in the distance.

"Come on bloodsucker help look for the prince," Jungkook heard somebody say as someone else was pushed to the ground.

Jungkook smelled the air. Four humans and someone else. Jungkook gets closer and hides watching them.

There are the three humans in lab coats with guns and a pink haired boy around the age of ten.

Jungkook assumes that the little boy is the human they have been experimenting on, and is a vampire now.

The one human pushes the pink haired boy to the ground with his gun and points it at him.

"You better start trying to find the vampire prince!" The man yelled. The boy had tears in his eyes.

He just wanted to go back to his mother and father, but they sold him. They didn't love him.

Jungkook decides he's had enough and takes action. He uses his speed to slice the throats of the four humans leaving the boy scared on the ground.

Jungkook walks to the boy and crouched down next to him. "W-who are y-you," the boy stutters out.

"I'm the vampire prince. But you can call me Jungkook," Jungkook smiles at the boy. The boy just shakes more.

"I'm not going to hurt you. So what is your name?"

"My n-name is p-park Jimin."

"Well, Park Jimin, what do you think about escaping," Jungkook smiles. Jimin's eyes light up. Nobody had ever helped him, but then again, this is the vampire prince.

"Why would you help me. I'm Supposed to kill you?"

"Trust me Jimin. You can't kill me. Nobody can. So, do you want to escape?"

"Yes!" Jimin boldly yells. Jimin quickly covers his mouth. "Sorry," he squeaks. Jungkook just laughs.

"Its fine," he says rubbing Jimin's head. "I'm going to teach you the basics of being a vampire, but after that your on your own."

Jimin looks confused. "Why can't you stay with me?"

"Because if I'm found with you, my whole kingdom could come after you, and I don't want that, understand?" Jungkook asks Jimin.

Jimin nods his head. "Ok, so the first thing you need to learn is feeding. Will you feed off humans?"

"N-no," Jimin stutters. "Understandable, you were human. Ok, so animals. Let me see your fangs." Jimin opens his mouth and Jungkook doesn't see anything.

"That's weird?" Jungkook was beyond confused at this point. Where were his fangs, he sure didn't smell human?

Then an idea popped into his head. "Jimin, I want you to copy what I do ok." Jimin nods and watches Jungkook's fangs appear.

Jimin watches in awe at how Jungkook could do that. Jimin tries and feels pain engulf his mouth as blood runs down his newly formed fangs.

Jungkook watches. The only vampires that could retract their fangs were the royal family, but Jimin did it. Maybe it's because he's an experiment.

"Nice job, now for finding food." Jungkook smells around. "Wait right here. If you smell something good come to find it."

Jungkook runs off finding a small animal and kills it letting its blood flow to the ground.

He hears Jimin grunt like he's in pain.

"He's experiencing hunger pains," Jungkook muses. He hears little feet running towards him and sees Jimin's face contorted in pain.

Jimin staggers to the nearest tree and claws at it.

"You have very good self-control for a newbie. I wonder how long you'll last," Jungkook smirks.

Jungkook puts the small animal in Jimin's face. Jimin clenches his teeth looking at the animal to Jungkook.

Jungkook put the animal right in Jimin's face almost making him taste the blood. Jimin looks at Jungkook one last time before grabbing the animal sinking his fangs into it.

Jungkook watches with slight amusement. One Jimin is finished he drops the animal and slides down the tree.

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick," Jimin states before he turns his head and throws up all the blood from the animal.

Jungkook just sighs. "Your more vampire then I thought. What are humans doing."

Jimin leans against the tree again and closes his eyes. "Here this should last you for a while till I see you again," Jungkook says cutting his wrist with his nails, putting it near Jimin.

Jimin doesn't hesitate this time and sinks his little fangs into Jungkook's wrist. Jimin grabs his wrist grabbing it hard.

Jimin finally pulls away and passes out. Jungkook licks his wrist making it heal. Once he finishes he hears humans running near them.

They shout Jimin's name and Jungkook knows that they want Jimin back, but they're not getting him.

Jungkook picks up Jimin and carries him in his arms running at full speed away from them.

Jungkook gets at least seven miles away from them setting Jimin down. He leans him up against a tree and whispers, "don't let them get you. I want to see you alive."

Jungkook turns around and disappears into the heavy wooded area towards his kingdom.


904 words

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