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(Not edited)

Yoongi's Pov

Jimin still hasn't woke up and its been two days. Two days since Taehyung was taken away and no one knows where he's at. It's killing all of us to see Taehyung gone and with Jimin in a coma-like state.

But they know it hurts me more than them with Jimin. I've been crying myself to sleep these past few nights, and I when I'm awake I'm like a walking zombie.

Jin and Namjoon are doing the best the can with trying to find Taehyung but I can tell it's wearing them down. I would help look for him, it's just that my motivation has left me.

I'm almost dead to the world. Not seeing Jimin smile or hear him talk is killing me.

I'm currently laying on my bed next to Jimin just waiting for him to wake up and just ask me a million questions, and I wouldn't have care in the world.

I've been checking his bite mark every day and it's getting better but I have to constantly give him blood.

"Yoongi," Jin whispered peaking his head through the door. I hummed in response not wanting to talk. "Yoongi you need to get up and do something, your body is starting to shut down, I can see it," he said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hyung I don't want to get up. What if I get up and Jimin wakes up and I'm not here," I said moving Jimin's hair out of his face. "Yoongi I hate to say this but from what I can tell, he's not going to get up anytime soon, I'm sorry," he said placing a hand on my leg.

"You don't know that!" I yelled at him. He looked a little taken back but just sat there. "I'm a doctor Yoongi, I may not know when he may wake up but he's not going to anytime soon," he said walking out.

I just laid there not knowing what to do. I need to get up and get out but I'm so drained it's not even funny. I slowly crawled out of bed, but not before kissing Jimin's forehead and walking into the living room.

"Yoongi!" Namjoon said surprised. I just ignored him and flopped down on the couch. "I'm up are you happy," I said to Jin. "Yes but that not enough. You need to get out of the house, and maybe go hunting," he said.

I just groaned and sat there. "If you get up you may find Jungkook," Jin said from the kitchen. I sprung from the couch and grabbed my gun and knife from the drawer.

"Let's go," I said grabbing my coat. "I've never seen him get up so fast in my life," Namjoon said shocked. "Don't get used to it. Jin are you coming with?" I yelled at him.

"Yes just give me a minute," he said walking from the kitchen. He grabbed a gun from Namjoon and walked up to me. "Now I'm ready," he said.

"Ok let's go," I said opening the front door.

But what I didn't expect was to see Jungkook standing there ready to knock on my door.

"Oh," was all he said. "Um hi," he said awkwardly. "Your pretty fuckin brave to show up on my doorstep or your just plain stupid," I said pointing my gun to his face.

"Hold up, I didn't come here to cause trouble," he said putting his hands up. "I don't give a shit, Jimin looks like he's on his deathbed and you took Taehyung from us, and you expect me to think you didn't come here to cause trouble, funny," I said reaching my limit.

"Tae's fine, look," he said pulling someone from behind him. My eyes widened in shock, as Taehyung stood there alive and well. I went to go hug him and Tae did the same but Jungkook pulled him back.

"Sorry but he's not really ready, he still can't control his hunger," Jungkook said. "What. Why would Tae need to control his hunger," I said confused.

"Well you see he kinda pissed me off and I got carried away and turned him," Jungkook said rubbing the back of his head. "No Taehyung can't be," Jin said breaking down into tears.

Taehyung went to go hug Jin but like before Jungkook held him back. "Please let me comfort Jin hyung," Taehyung pouted to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked like he was debating whether or not to let him go. "Fine, but once I sense something wrong I will pull you away," he said letting him go.

Taehyung ran over to Jin and hugged him. Jin hugged back and kept crying. "Hyung I'm ok there's nothing wrong with me see," Taehyung said pulling back from Jin so he could see him better.

Jin nodded his head and stood up. "Thank you Taehyung," Jin said wiping his tears.

"Um, Yoongi can you show me where Jimin is," Jungkook asked. "No," I said bluntly. "But I can help him, I put that poison in him and I can make him better," he said.

"Bullshit, like I would let you anywhere near him," I spat at him. "Yoongi if he's willing to help Jimin then let him, we'll all be in the room so he can't really do anything," Namjoon said holding my shoulder.

I sighed. "Fine but try anything funny and I will kill you," I said walking to the room. Once we got there, we all filed into the room and looked at Jimin.

From here you could see how pale Jimin is and how thin. It hurts and it angers me that Jimin got in front of me and took what Jungkook had planned for me.

"I'm sorry for causing this," he said mentioning to Jimin. "I let my anger get the best of me and I went after Yoongi but Jimin got in the way," he said walking to Jimin.

"What are you gonna do," Jin asked. "I'm going to give him my blood. It will help heal him faster and will make him stronger," he explained.

Jungkook bit his wrist and placed it to Jimin's mouth. Jimin's mouth opened without thought and he began to drink. Jungkook hissed but didn't do anything.

He pulled away and licked his wrist. "For an experiment, he sure does have some sharp fangs. How do you deal with it," he asked me.

"I don't know it doesn't hurt me really," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Alright well we need to leave Taehyung is on edge," he said grabbing Taehyung. "Why can't he stay here?" Jin asked.

"Unless you want him drinking your blood and killing you, I think he should stay with me for a little while till he can control his hunger better," he said pushing Tae out the door.

"Oh." Was all Jin said and walked behind them. "We'll come back to visit. The only reason we came here was because Tae wanted to see everybody and see how Jimin was doing. Well see ya later," he said disappearing.

"I'm going to bed," I said heading to my room. I didn't let Jin or Namjoon say anything because I shut my door and laid next to Jimin falling asleep.


1215 words

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