The Interrogation

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Chapter Twenty-one
    A trooper grabbed Sabine and through her over his shoulder. Ezra tried to stop them but just before he could grab her for the stormtrooper, he was stunned.
    When Ezra woke up he was sitting in an interrogation room with one trooper to his right and one to his left. They had taken his lightsaber, wrist comm, blaster and had him in binders. Grand Admiral Thrawn walked into the room, "Comfortable?" He asked in a sarcastic way. "Where's Kanan and Sabine?" Ezra asked in a very threatening way. Thrawn answered, "Your master is safe in a prison cell and, Sabine Wren, well..."  Ezra got a sick feeling that he might have killed her, then Thrawn pressed a button on a small remote. The tinted window that was in front of Ezra went clear. Sabine was on the other side. As soon as he saw her he stood up kicking the chair to the wall behind him, punched the two stormtroopers behind him with his hands still in binders and used the force to take one of their blasters attempting to fire upon Thrawn. However he was stopped, but not by his own will. Some one was using the force against him. There in the door way stood Vader with his arm out in the position of a force choke. Dropping the blaster Ezra fought to get a breath, but it was no use. Vader was killing him. All of the sudden things started going black for Ezra and just when he thought is was the end, Vader threw him across the room. Ezra hit the wall and fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air. He looked up to see Vader walking toward the window, and Ezra knew what he was about to do. Out of habit he reached for his lightsaber only to find that it wasn't there and there was nothing he could do to stop what was coming.
    Vader moved his hand into position and began force choking Sabine. Ezra tried to run to stop Vader but was grabbed by two stormtroopers who forced him to sit back in the chair. Thrawn walked up to him and said, "You see, Jedi, there's no was out. Unless..." Everything was silent. Ezra looked over to Sabine who was still being held by Vader. Then back at Thrawn. "Tell us the location of your rebel base and you and your friend will live." Thrawn said. Ezra looked back at Sabine he didn't know how much longer she would be able to hold on. "Ezra! Don't!" Was all she could get out. "I'll tell you." Ezra started, "but let her go first." Thrawn rose his hand, signaling Vader to let her down. He threw her violently against the wall. She began coughing moving her hand to her throat.
    Thrawn turned to Ezra and said, "Where is your rebel base?" Sabine gave Ezra a concerned look. Then all of the sudden, a blue lightsaber slashed through the door and the part that had been cut was thrown into Vader and Thrawn. It was Kanan, "Go go go!" He yelled to Ezra as he tossed his lightsaber to him. The first thing Ezra thought was, save Sabine. He went to the window and signaled her to get back. He put his hand to the glass and used the force to break it. Glass shards flew everywhere. Ezra jumped over the ledge and got down on the floor where Sabine was sitting; he put his hand on her arm, "Are you alright?" He didn't wait for an answer before he helped her up. They got over the ledge where the window was and got out of the room while Kanan tried to hold Vader off. Thrawn was in no position to move, after all he did just have a blaster-proof door thrown at him.

A/N so I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Stay tuned for more!! Thanks for all your support!!

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