Keep fighting

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Chapter Twenty-three
    Kanan used his comm link to tell Hera the direction they were headed and that the needed a pick up. Ezra was holding Sabine close telling her it would be OK. She was still conscious so that made the pain worse. She tried to hold on to Ezra but it was hard. "Hera's on her way." Kanan said. "Hera coming then we're gonna get you to a medic, you'll be alright, I promise!" Ezra said as kissed her forehead, fighting back the tears. He wasn't sure he should have promised that she would be alright but he wanted her to believe it because then her chances would be better.
    Soon the Ghost came out of hyperspace and was able to dock with the pod. Door opened and Ezra carried Sabine out and into the main room where Hera got the med supplies. They tore her sleeve and wrapped the wound as best the could until they got to the base. Ezra couldn't do much for her but he stayed with her to make sure that she was OK. He held her hand and wiped the tears from her face. He thought it best to keep her awake until they got to the med station at the base. "We're going to the base then we'll get you to the med center." Ezra said to her sweetly as he stroked her forehead softly. "Ezra," Sabine said quietly with a struggling type of sound in her voice, "I love you. I just wanted you to know that...just in case I don't make it." "Shhh," Ezra said, "don't talk like that, you'll make it, we're gonna get you to a medic. You'll make it." Sabine gave a little smile. That reassured Ezra that she was better than she looked, even though she was still beautiful.
    They got to the base and took Sabine, as quickly as they could to the med center. Ezra was by her side for the whole time. He would have sat by her side while the medical droids treated the wound, but they wouldn't allow anyone in the room.
    The gash in her arm was so severe that it took hours upon hours to treat.
    Ezra sat in the waiting room after everyone else had left. He couldn't sit still. First he sat with elbows on his knees with his hand folded over one another. Then he stood and paced for a while. After about 20 minutes of pacing he sat back down and let out a big sigh then began tapping his foot. Then next morning the rest of the crew came to see Sabine and found that Ezra was still there and had not slept. Hera walked over to him and put her hand his back, "You get any sleep?" She asked. Ezra didn't say anything but he shook his head. Not long after, the same droid that told Ezra to leave the room came into the room. Ezra stood up quickly when he saw the droid, "She is awake, however due to a tremendous amount of blood loss, I estimate her chances of survival to be less than 20%." The droid said. Ezra was heart broken. While trying not to let the tears run down his face, he said, "Can we see her?" "Yes." The droid replied. As Ezra started following the droid he looked back to see that the rest of the crew were not following. Hera gestured to him to go alone.
    When Ezra entered the room, he was so scared for her. She was so pale and so still. He walked over to her her and sat down next to her. He held her hand and kissed it. "Keep fighting, OK, you can make it, I know you can." Ezra said to her. "I will." She said weakly. There was a pause, Ezra looked into her eyes, they still sparkled they way they always did, she was still beautiful and still the love of his life. "What was it you...wanted to tell me....when I got back?" Sabine asked. "Oh, Sabine..I...I don't think this is the time-" she cut him off, "The time? Ezra time is something I may not have. Something we may not have. If there's something important you need to ask or tell me now is the time. Before it's too late." Ezra was a bit shocked at how strong she suddenly seemed. But she was right, there might not be much more time for them to wait to tell each other something. He took a deep breath, "I was....going to ask....if you would...if you would marry me." Sabine was so surprised and heartbroken and happy at the same time. "Yes Ezra! I would marry you! When I'm better we'll get married! OK? I promise I'll get better." Sabine said with tears in her eyes. Ezra didn't want to stress her out, but at least that have her something else to fight for. He just felt that she would be a part of that 20% that would survive.

A/N WOW!! That was almost 1,000 words! What did you think of this chapter?? Chapter 30 is in the works and I'm really hoping you guys will enjoy everything leading up to it. I'm working really hard not to make it awkward. To help me out, what level of romance can you handle??

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