14: I'd Still Choose You

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I'd Still Choose You

Staring at my desk for what seemed to be the twentieth time today I groaned. I couldn't get her out of my mind. After the kiss, I haven't received any calls or texts from her. I'm assuming she's busy since the show is in a few days.

My family and I are leaving for New York tomorrow so I'm doing as much as I can in the office. Mr. Forbes keeps sending people and files and I just can't seem to focus.

I shook the thought away and went onto my iMac to check some of my emails. I don't know how and why but I ended up with my pictures. Again I appeared by the picture of Juliana. I rolled my eyes then moved the picture to trash. I stared at the bin for a moment, hesitating at first but then clicked it.

I heard a light knock on the door and grumbled, not really in the mood for people. "Come in," I called out; still looking at the trashcan where I disposed the last picture I had of the girl I was so restlessly in love with.

"M-mister Clarkson. It's Mark, the architect in Paris." Mr. Forbes mumbled as he held his work phone up.

I gave him a questioning look as I shook my head signaling that I wasn't in the mood to talk. He nodded then spoke to Mark. To be honest I even forgot about the renovations in Paris.

"Okay, thank you, Mark...You too. Goodbye." Nick mumbled then ended the call. I watched as he lowered his head while walking towards me.

Standing a few feet away from my desk he typed on his iPad while I patiently waited. Once he was done he cleared his throat and looked up at me with a smug look on his face.

"Mister Clarkson after you've been to New York you need to fly directly to Paris." He mumbled the last part but I heard all of it causing my eyes to narrow.

"Why is that Mr. Forbes?" I asked while clasping my hands together and closing my eyes. Can't those people do anything on their own?

"There is a slight problem with the last few floors that needs your approval." He replied.

I let out a sigh then opened my eyes to see Nick standing in front of my desk. I stared at him with an expressionless look on my face in which he awkwardly pushed his glasses up.

"After New York, Gabriella and I have a meeting," I stated, not taking my eyes off him.

"I am quite aware of that sir. So we'll only be in Paris for a day since the following day will be the meeting or shall I reschedule the meeting?" Nick asked as he turned on his iPad.

"No, no." I waved off. "Leave it as is. I'll meet you in Paris then." I nodded since Nick won't be coming to New York.

"Yes, sir." He nodded then spun around to walk off.

I continued my work but at the corner of my eye, I saw him turn back around slowly. I squinted my eyes at him then raised a brow as he smiled.

"I forgot to ask sir but how was your date with Miss Smith on Friday?" he asked with an innocent smile on his face.

"It was good Mr. Forbes," I stated bitterly. "Anything else?"

"N-no, sir. I won't disturb you if necessary sir." He stuttered then walked out of the room.

I rolled my eyes then took out a thick file containing all the documents for the Paris Hotel renovations. I was starting to get a headache by just looking at it. I could only imagine what is going on there.


Walking down the walkway with my duffel bag for New York I sighed. I didn't get any sleep last night, not because of packing but just the thought of not wanting to go.

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