15: Lucas is Loving Every Bit of This

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Song: Say Anything

Artist: Ashley Nite

Lucas is Loving Every Bit of This

I stared at my father with an emotionless look on my face. This is just ridiculous. He's acting so childish; it was just one freaking date. He should be glad that it wasn't public yet I wouldn't care if it were.

"Is there a problem dad?" I asked while folding my arms. Everyone was quiet now and I could see my mother staring at me beside dad.

"What sort of question is that? You know peo—"

"I don't care. It's over. It happened. Plus it was just two colleges enjoying each other's company." I cut him off then folded my arms.

"Whatever happened with you David Smith is between you. Don't bring me in this." I grunted then walked into the bedroom.

I ran a hand through my hair then cussed. I ripped off my baseball cap then threw it across the room. I was getting tired of all this stupid rivalry between us. Whatever happened between the Smith's and Clarkson's happened to our parents.

They shouldn't bring it to us, which could affect our work. Even though Gabriella and I fight sometimes we shrug it off. They haven't 'shrugged' it off for years.

I drew in a long breath then collapsed onto the bed. Anytime I fought with my parents Juliana would always comfort me. Even though we were nineteen I was going through a lot since I had to study twenty-four seven to get where I am today.

She entered my mind again and every time she does I try to picture how she looks now still beautiful as ever I could imagine. Then thought of her leaving and never contacting me again clouded my mind.

I tried looking for her, asked around, traveled for the love of my life but I could never find her. I don't even know if she's dead or alive.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone entered the room. I raised my head to see Nikita smiling at me. I huffed then looked at the ceiling, not really in the mood for anyone.

"Adam are you okay?" she asked and I squirmed thinking of Juliana.

"Yes, now that you know that I am. Let me be." I said while taking in a sharp breath.

"Oh no, I can't do that." She said and I felt the edge of the bed sink in. Out the corner of my eye, I could see her crawling next to me. She lay next time and I turned to see her ginger hair covering the pillow.

She was attractive, any sane person could see that but just her presence now is infuriating me. I clenched my jaw then turned back to the ceiling.

"Do you like her?" Nikita asked after a while. It took me a moment to realize who was she talking about.

"No," I stated bluntly without hesitation.

"You're lying to yourself." She said sitting up and resting her head on her hand. "You wouldn't have gone on like that if you didn't like her."

I thought of the past event and the instant memory of Juliana entered my mind. No, somehow dad is right, it's two people working together. It happens all the time. I just need to do what I always do to relief my stress. Have a night with her.

"I don't like Gabriella Smith. I'm just fucking pissed at all the family conflict." I said letting out a harsh breath.

"Okay, good." Nikita grinned then got off the bed. I watched as she locked the door and I turned to the window seeing that we've taken off.

"Because we are going to look amazing at the show together." She said then started to take off her clothing.

I bit my lip as I eyed her up and down. She might be annoying but she does have her ways of persuading people.

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