25: The Things We Don't Say

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Song: Anymore of This

Artist:  Mindy Smith, Matthew Perryman Jones

The Things We Don't Say

My grip tightened on the wheel as my foot forcibly pressed down on the accelerator. I didn't have time to change or care, so I immediately went to the car. My jaw tightened as I glared at the road. I was pissed, angry and felt betrayed. I didn't know she'd do something like that let alone go and see them again with my secretary. No wonder Mr. Parton came with food, he probably stalled me while she took Nick away.

"I-I don't understand why I have to come with," Dominique mumbled beside me as he typed on his phone.

"Shut up," I said then looked at him from the corner of my eye. "Who are you texting?"

Dominique lowered his phone and raised a brow. He then shoved it into his jacket pocket then folded his arms. "None of your business."

"If it's Gabriella tell her that she disobeyed me and she can't do anything without me," I said through gritted teeth.

"No! She's gonna' kill me!" Dominique exclaimed, and I looked over to see that a line appeared between his brows. "We might be best friends, but she will slaughter me because I couldn't keep my mouth shut!"

"Are you scared of her?" I raised a brow.

"No, no, no...it's just," he trailed off then folded his legs. "the Smiths are not a family to mess with."

"Right." I let out a dry laugh as I rolled my eyes. I focused on the road but felt Dominque's stare like a needle being pressed on my side.

"Oh, just you wait." He said then tapped his fingers on the door. "You'll regret it Mister Clarkson."

"Are you gay?" I suddenly asked. Dominque snapped his head toward me with his eyes extended.

"What makes you think that?" he asked.

"I don't know; I just have a feeling you are." I shrugged my shoulders as I avoided eye contact.

"Well just because I say 'girl' and wear bright colors to work does not mean that I am gay." He stated. "Gabriella and I have been friends for long, and I have a few male friends, but I'm close to her, so I have to relate to her."

"That makes so much sense," I muttered then turned the corner. We were a few streets away from their office.

"Yeah, I'm bisexual." He said as the corner of his mouth rose.

"Does she know?" I asked as I lifted an eyebrow. Maybe he became bisexual after she rejected him.

"Of course!" he exclaimed.

"Okay, okay." I cleared my throat. "If it were three of us on an island who would you go for?"

"Gabriella of course." He laughed. We stopped at a red light, and as I turned to Dominique, I made sure my eyes bored into him.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked as his eyes widened.

"N-nothing sir, it's just..." he stuttered as I turned back to the road and continued to drive. "I-I know Gabriella longer and I-I..."

"I'm just messing with you," I stated as I glared at him. Dominique let out a laugh, but he saw I wasn't amused, so he stopped.

We continued to drive, and I looked ahead at the building where she was in. Somehow, she knew I would stay indoors since it was Friday and I had planned the meetings for next week, so today was the perfect day to go to them.

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