A different story that you may like

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Hi guys,

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy reading this. I just wanted to share the story of my bestfriend as of the moment. Her name is Romina and she's 40 years old. She's seperated with her husband but not divorced and I'll tell you later why she's not divorced. She has two beautiful kids but grown ups. Mina is one vibrant beautiful woman with so much passion, love and kindnes. Lucky her kids won her smart genes and has full scholarship since grade school so she's less stressed with tuition and stuff since ger kids gone through private schools. Her husband the time when her kids were young have a job that is low paying so she worked her butt out to support her family. Despite being the higher earner in the family her husband verbally abused her and maliciously associated her with every man her work. Her husband makes her feel useless and trashy, until such time she can take it no more and decided to leave. Her duck of a husband didn't agree and decided to not give her the kids and not sign the divorce paper. But she left anyways and live on her own while her husband destroyed her to their kids. He made the kids believe that she is a slut and no good for a mother and less than a woman. Mina alone and broken were determined fight harder. To find her place in the society and show her kids she's not what their father was telling them.
Mina engaged herself to organizations that helps people around the world specifically women and women rights. And continually swoon her children until she won back their affection if not respect. She buys them things they need and want that their father could not afford to buy.
Mina being young, fell inlove again to a man she thought were brave, intellectual and has a higher cause. She met him while volunteering on a group that were trying to raise awareness on global warming and planet saving shit.
But turns out he's meaner, much insecure and way stupid than her husband. And the cycle repeated except she's now suffering to a worst abuse than physical violence. Her creative side were being boxed to jealousy, her genuis ability were being critiqued to slutty. She is not even allowed to sleep somewhere else without him.
I met Mina while I volunteered to Philippine indigenous awareness group when I'm twenty years old and was happily inlove with my then boyfriend. She is already with the trashy guy. And everyday she tells me about the abuse and even if I'm back home stateside she will chat and video call me everyday.

And everytime I kept on encouraging her to leave him. She even has the opportunity to leave the Philippines, another associate group was to establish the cause in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and some part of Europe. But her reason for not leaving him is absurd. She told me she fall out of love with him but she always made excuses not to leave him. I actually started to think she's pathetic as her boyfriend. But she keeps on fighting, she keeps on surviving.

Last month women allover United States went Marching againts President Trump and againts Planned Parenthood and Muslim descrimination. Trumps council were trying to eliminate the benefits of planned parenthood which takes away the free consultation and other things that helps women wellbeing. Also banning Muslims from getting to US which trapped other US muslims from getting back in the country. As an immigrant myself I think they're acting stupid and playing with power just because they can.

My point of this story is that women were vulnerable in these kinds of power and we must unite to stop these abusive males from taking over and crush the spirit of femininity.

Madonna made a point that do not be afraid in expressing yourself you have as much right as any man had.

Being Feminine doesn't mean we only need to stay at home and kiss babies. We need to go out and shout stop the abuse. Enough making women as underdogs. This is not because of Politics nor choosing Hilary Clinton. It is going out and be heard even if it means you're being a bitch and a bitch slayer yourself.

Fight, nurture, be aware, be inlove and enjoy being a woman because that is a privilege any man doesn't have.

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