I'm a fool....

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So the reason I haven't uploaded the next chapter is because I've been thinking a lot.... the next chapter is all typed up and ready to go, but I wouldn't want people I know from school reading this. I feel like a fool, I'm starting to regret ever writing this book. I feel like a fool for doing this. I will never stop writing, but I don't know if I will ever write anything Creepypasta again. To be honest I would be vary embarrassed if someone from school came up to me and told me they read this book. Maybe in the summer I will continue to write this. I do feel very foolish for this whole thing and I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. Thank you all for reading and I mite have some 'I don't care what people think' still in me to write a last chapter but I don't know. This is a useless book that I wasted my time on. I guess that's how I feel. Which is sad because I really did like writing this. Again thank you all. You are all amazing people. I guess I will keep this book on Wattpad incase I ever want to write it again. Thank you.


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