I went to the Hospital...

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So my sister likes to pop zits and stuff, I asked her to check a lump on the back of my ear and in my ear she found a bunch of blackheads. I got irritated and sat up then with all my wait I scooted back expecting to fall into the soft cushions. We have one of those couches where the middle can pull down into a small table. I slammed my back into that and the bottom of my spin moved where it lined up with my shoulder blade. Me and my sister were freaking out so we called my grandma (she was the only one off) once she came we called EMS. They transported me to the hospital and I had to wait FOREVER! They took x-rays but the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with it. He sent me home and gave us the number to a specialist/surgeon. He wanted us to immediately call him on Monday and to try to do my best at home. This all happened yesterday and I woke up this morning and my mom said that my back was so swollen she could see it threw my shirt. This all happened yesterday on Friday the 13th.

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