Human Form

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This about Trender's human form. 

"Trender?" You were walking around his shop but you couldn't find him anywhere. You went back into the sewing room and to find a guy with brown hair, Trender's glasses, and in clothes Trender would wear. The thing you couldn't rap your head around was that he was sewing and had the tendrils. "I'm sorry sir. You're not supposed to be back here." You said as you stepped in. 

"But, hun, I run this place." Trender's voice came out of the guys mouth. Your eyes widened.

"No way." You mumbled to yourself. There's no way that's Trender! Right? You thought to yourself.

"What was that, hun?" He asked and turned around so you could see him better. He was still pretty tall. But he had a face. He had silver blue eyes and a soft smile on his thin lips.

You could help but walk closer staring in awe. You kept asking yourself how and why and so many other questions, while your body moved on it's own. You reached up and touched his cheek.

"Hun, are you ok?" He asked, you just stood there looking at him, taking it all in. 

"Yeah." You answered after awhile. You ran your hand over his cheek.

Suddenly you snapped out of it. "How are you so pretty! Why haven't I seen you like this!" You started going on.

"I'll look like this more often then." He said and shook his head.

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