Chapter 1- Telling Dad

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•setting: right at the end of "It Points Back To You" (one week after Zoey and Ricky were grounded)•

Zoey's POV
We pull away from our second kiss as an official couple, and I say something I've wanted to say for a while, "I love you too, Em."
He smiles like an idiot and engulfs me in a big hug.
"So that was the song you were working on?" I ask.
"Yep, I told you that you would eventually hear it," he says, releasing me from his hug.

He picks up his guitar, and we walk back over to where Ricky is standing.

"What would you like to do now, my girlfriend?" he asks me, putting his arm around my shoulders.
"I don't care, as long as I'm with you, my boyfriend," I say, putting my head on his shoulder.
"Oh God, this is gonna happen all the time now isn't it?" Ricky whines.
I laugh and nod, and Emery kisses my cheek.

We decide to go back to my house. Emery and I go into my room for some alone time, while Ricky goes into his room.

Emery walks around my room, looking at all the tissues all over the floor and candy on my night stand as I begin to clean them up.

He looks down and takes a deep breath in.
"I can't forgive myself for everything I did to you. I'm so sorry Z," he says, sitting at the edge of my bed.
I walk over to him and sit next to him.
"Babe, it wasn't only your fault. I caused all of the commotion in the first place," I say.
I turn his head to me and say, "Don't worry about it. It's over, and it's not worth reliving," pecking his lips so lightly, yet so fully.
He takes my hand in his and kisses it.
"I promise I will never make you feel that way ever again," he says.
"And I know you'll try your best to keep that promise," I say.
He kisses my temple and says, "I love you."
"I love you too," I say back to him.
"I'll never get sick of saying that," he says.
I giggle and look down.

We spend the next few minutes in silence, enjoying each other's presence, until I remember something.

"Shit," I say, annoyed.
"What? What happened?" Emery asks.
"We forgot something we have to do," I say.
He looks at me in confusion.
"We have to tell my parents," I say.
"So?" he says.
"Okay, let me rephrase. We have to tell my dad we're dating. Remember what happened when he thought we were dating three years ago?" I say.
"Shit. He freaked out on me when we were holding hands back then. He barely lets me sleep in your room. He thinks I sleep on the floor. What is he gonna do now?" Emery freaks out, pacing around my room.
I get up and go over to him. I hold his hands in mine and say, "Don't stress Em. We'll get through this together."
He nods and says, "Okay."

About twenty minutes later my parents get home. Emery and I go downstairs to see them and Ricky down there already.

"Hey guys," Ricky says, moving his eyebrows up and down at us.
"Hello Emery. I'm not going to lie, we did miss your face around here," my mom says.
Emery smiles and says, "Thank you Mrs. Garcia. I missed it here as well."
"Will you be staying for dinner Emery?" my dad asks.
"If it's okay with you sir," Emery says.
"The more the merrier," my dad says.

We order Italian food. Emery and I set the table.

"It's going good so far," I say to Emery.
"Yea, so far," he says.
"Nobody said it would be easy," I tell him.
"No one said it would be this hard," he says.

We sit down to eat after the food comes. Emery and I on one side, my parents sit across from us, and Ricky sits at the head of the table next to me and my mom.

"So, what did you guys do today?" my mom asks.
"We visited the old playground," Ricky says.
Really Ricky?! You couldn't have helped your sister out?
"Awe. That's where you all met. That must've been a great experience to revisit," my mom says.
"Yeah, I remember when you first hit Zoey with the swing, Emery. I have to say, you've grown into a much more mature young man," my dad tells Emery.

I hold Emery's hand under the table.
He looks at me, telling me we should tell them now.

"Mom, Dad, we have something to tell you," I say.
My mom puts down her utensils and focuses her full attention on me. However, my dad continues to eat, though he shows he's listening by looking at me from across the table.
"Emery and I," I say and pause to take a deep breath, "are dating."
My mom gets up and runs over to us. She hugs Emery and I, as my dad just sits still.
"Dad?" I call him.
He leans over the table, offering Emery his hand.
"There isn't anyone better I could imagine my daughter with," he says, surprising Emery and I.
Emery stays still for a second.
I slap him on the shoulder and say, "Em."
He blinks a few times and comes back to reality. He reaches over the table and shakes my dad's hand.
"Thank you sir. I promise I won't make you take that back," Emery says.

Chapter 1 Author's Note:
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