Chapter 24- His

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"You didn't," I hear Clare's husky voice behind me.
I close my locker and turn around to face her. "What?"
"You did," she says with a devilish smile.
I laugh. "I did what?"
"You and Emery did the dirty."
I give her a confused expression.
"You know, gave it a go around."
I still have no idea what she's talking about.
"You had sex," she whisper-screams.
"How did you know? Did Ricky tell you?"
"Zoey, did you see the way you walked in here today?" She laughs.
"Shit. Is it that noticeable?"
"No, but you may not want to walk too much today... or at all."
I look down at my feet, feeling embarrassed.
"Wait, Ricky knows?"
"Yea, Emery sucks at lying," I say, looking back up at her.

First period I have dance. Let's just say, it didn't go so well. I had to execute a split, and I felt like I actually tore something.

Now I'm in study hall, waiting for Emery.
"Hey," he whispers in my ear, approaching me from behind.
He sits down next to me.
"Don't you 'hey' me. Why didn't you tell me how ridiculously wobbly I was walking when we left my house?"
He tries to keep a straight face, but I can tell he wants to laugh.
"Don't you dare laugh," I say sternly.
"I didn't know I would have this much effect on you. I thought it was just from being tired or something."
"Em, everyone has been staring at me all day," I whine.
He puts his hand on my thigh and gives me a look of compassion.
"Please just don't touch me. My inner thighs hurt like a bitch."
I can see he wants to laugh again, yet he says he feels bad for me.

At lunch, Ricky can't look Emery in the eyes. I haven't told him yet that Ricky knows.
"Bro, what's your problem? I've been talking to you for fifteen minutes, and you haven't said one word to me," Emery says to Ricky.
I look at Clare. She looks like she's going to lose it and bawl out laughing.
I lean over to whisper in Emery's ear. "He knows about yesterday."
Within a second his eyes are on mine. "How?" he whispers.
"Let's just say, you're not that good at lying, Em," I tell him.
He turns back to Ricky. "Um, I-"
"Can we just forget about it? This conversation was way less awkward with Zoey," Ricky says.
"Definitely," Emery says, relaxing in his seat.

During our walk to Spanish class, we see Mason. I give him a slight smile, while Emery tries to approach him again, but I pull him back.
"Don't, Em."
He rips his arm away from me and walks into the classroom.
During the entire class, Emery doesn't participate like he usually does, and at the end of the period, he won't even talk to me.

I walk to my locker by myself and pack up my books to go home.
All of a sudden, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to face Mason and faintly smile.
"Hey, Zoey. Can we talk for a minute?"
"Um, sure," I say, closing my locker.
"First, I just want to say I'm sorry for everything. I was hoping we could start over and be friends."
"Mason, of course. I would love that," I say with a smile. "I also need to apologize for Emery. I told him not to start that fight yesterday."
"No, he had a good reason for it. I need to apologize to him. I saw his eye this morning."
"I wouldn't do it just yet. He's currently fuming with anger by just seeing you in the halls."
"Okay." He pauses. "Do you think he'll forgive me?"
"Emery is unclear with his feelings. He'll forgive you. Just give him time."
He smiles and nods his head.
"Thank you for forgiving me, Zoey. It means everything to me."
"Of course, Mason," I say, placing my arms around his neck to hug him.
We release each other and smile.
"Thank you again, Zoey," he says, leaving.

Ricky approaches me, walking towards his locker.
"What was that?" he asks me, opening his locker.
"Mason was just apologizing to me. He was actually sincerely sorry."
"I don't think Emery is gonna like that, Z."
"He'll be fine. I'll tell him later. Mason and I are just friends for God's sake."
"I don't think you'll need to tell him," Ricky says, looking behind me.
"What?" I say, turning around.
"I think he saw Mason's 'apology'," Ricky says as I see Emery angrily throwing things around in his locker.

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