Chapter 33- The Book

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hey guys! before you read i just want to say sorry this chapter is so short!! i just wanted to update quick to let you guys know i'm still going to continue with this book. i promise i'll try to make the next chapter extra long!!!

After school, Emery and I go over to his house and up to his room.
"Okay, where's the book," I ask. I'm almost too excited for this.
"Uhhh," he says, standing in front of his desk, hiding the book from my sight.
"Well, if you really don't want me to read it, then I guess I don't have to," I say, putting my arms around his torso.
"Really, because-," he starts but stops as I grab the book from the desk behind him.
"Zoey! You just said you don't," he says, trying to take the book back from me.
I sit on his bed and pat the spot next to me so that he sits down. "Babe, please. You can trust me, and you don't have to be scared about anything in here."
He breathes out. "Okay."

I open the book to the first page.
It reads,
"Emery Kelly's VERY PERSONAL Journal!
Do Not Read Any Further!"

I laugh and flip to the next page. It's dated back in seventh grade.

There are a few lines of a poem on the page, saying,
"I don't know what it is
that makes me feel this way.
I used to hate her,
but now it's a new day.
She's my friend now
though I want more
from the one girl
I do so adore."

I look at him with the biggest smile. "Is this about me?"
His cheeks get rosy as he turns so I could no longer see his face.
"Hey," I softly say, turning him to face me. "Why are you so shy about this stuff?"
He looks down. "I don't know. I-I guess it's because I've expressed everything I've ever felt for you in there," he says, putting his hand on top of mine. "And I just, well, I honestly don't remember everything I've written in there," he smiles.
I laugh. "Do you really think I'm gonna judge you for that?"
"No, but you think I'm so cheesy to you though you haven't seen how cheesy I really am."
"Awe," I say, hugging him. "I love it when you're cheesy." I pull back and kiss him quickly. "Onto the next page."
I flip a few pages. "Wait," Emery suddenly says. He takes the book from me. "This page is my personal favorite."

The page reads,
Today I comforted her. She was upset no one would talk to her at school. Although it's my fault technically, I don't really feel bad... besides the fact that it made her cry. She told me that I'm her favorite person and that no matter what she never wants to lose me. I told her I'll always stick by her side... I hope not always in a friend way though."

"Awe. That's so cute," I say, tackling him with a hug and kisses all over.
He lays down and I rest my head on his chest while still looking through the book.
I go all the way to the most recent page written on and see the lyrics of a song he sang to me recently.

(Lyrics from "Perfect by Ed Sheeran)
"I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love"

"You haven't written any more of it yet?" I ask, tilting my head to look at him.
"No. I took a break from it to write a different song," he tells me.
"Wait what? Where is it," I exclaim, flipping through all the pages of the book.
He smiles.
"What," I ask.
"I didn't write it in there for that sole purpose. Your boyfriend isn't that stupid, babe."
I frown, placing the book to the side. "Can you at least tell me a lyric?"
"It wouldn't be a surprise then."
I turn over and lay on top of him. "Please," I say, quivering my bottom lip.
"Ugh, fine," he says, giving in.
"I sure love loving you," he says, no tone in his voice at all.
"Awe. Wait. What? No, I want more."
"Just wait until it's done," he says, playfully rolling his eyes.

I put the book away.
"I thought you wanted to look through the whole thing," Emery says.
I lay down next to him again. "It was never about me wanting to read what you wrote, though I did want to. It was about you being comfortable sharing it with me."
"Oh. So how did I do?"
I laugh. "Pretty good."
"And what do I get," he asks with a devious smile.
"I'll do your math homework."
"No. I want something else," he says, leaning closer towards me.
"And what would that be?"
"I love it when you act all naive," he tells me, planting a kiss straight on my lips. After we pull away he asks, "Actually, can you do my math homework?"
"How about I help you with it," I laugh.
"Eh. You should help me with something else instead," he says, kissing me again.
I push him. "Now, about that math homework."

A few hours later, I have to go home for dinner.
"I'll text you when I get home," I tell him.
"Are you sure you don't want me to walk with you?"
"I'll be fine, babe," I say, kissing him on the cheek.
"Okay, okay," he says, walking me to the door. He stops and looks at me, "I love you."
"I love you too," I tell him, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips.

Chapter 33 Author's Note:
Thanks so much for reading. Please comment your favorite line, leave your overall comments below, vote, recommend, and follow for updates. Thank you, again.

omfg guys i'm so sorry i haven't been updating !!! there's been so much happening in my personal life lately, but i really hope to find more time to write. love you guys !!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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