Chapter 32- Talking Future

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| Monday, January 22nd, 2018 |

One more year, one year older, one year lost, one year gained.

I wish I could sleep in today out of all days, especially after last night because Emery wanted to do something "special" for our last day of being 17 together.

I wake up in Emery's bed, hearing my alarm going off.
"Ugh," I say as I stretch.
I look over to Em and see him just looking up at me. "What?" I ask.
He tackles me, pushing me back down on the bed. "Happy birthday," he says, smothering my lips with his.
I push him up off of me. "We have to get ready."
His lips travel to my neck, and he mumbles, "We can skip first."
I push him again. "You're mom's here."
"I'll be quiet," he pleas.
I laugh, "You're never quiet."
"Go get my uniform like a good boyfriend," I say.
He rolls his eyes, "Fine, fine."

Another thing I hate about my birthday is constantly getting bombarded with people's phone calls just to say, "Happy birthday." I receive at least five on the way to school but cut them short, saying I'm on my way to school and can't talk.

Once we get to home room, Ricky and I exchange our annual "Happy birthday to me" joke. We don't usually get each other gifts, because we feel we should enjoy the day and not have to worry about getting a gift.

Charlie engulfs me in a hug. "Happy Birthday, Fox," he exclaims.
"Thanks Char," I say as he hands me a gift. "Awe you really didn't have to."

The day is just like any other day other than people actually paying attention to me for once. At lunch, Clare gives gifts to both me and Ricky. Emery gives Ricky a gift and tells me that my gift will be "coming later."

After school, I get in the car with Emery.
"Can we go to my house for an hour. I have to pack for tonight, and I want to give you you're present while we're alone," he says.
"Yea sure," I agree.

We get into his room and he tells me to sit on the bed.
"Okay, I didn't wrap it so close your eyes."
I feel him place something on my lap as he says, "Open."
"Em," I say with a small gasp.
"I know it's not as good as the gift you got for me, but I just thought when you're in California you can hang it on your wall and look up at it when you miss me," he says, very shy.
He gave me a picture frame that says the word "love" in all capital letters on it. In each letter is multiple pictures of us from the last year, which I may add has been the best year of my life.
I put the gift aside and stand up in front of Emery.
"I-," he starts but I cut him off as my lips meet his. He pushes me back onto his bed. After a few minutes, we pull away, laughing.
"I love it," I say, running my hand down the side of his face.
He rubs his nose to mine and tells me he loves me. "Never leave me," he says seriously.
"Where would I go?" I ask.
"California," he mumbles, looking away.
"Hey," I say in a soft tone, making him look at me. "Nothing could ever take me away from you. Not California. Not Charlie. Nothing."
He smiles lightly then gets up to pack his clothes for the night.

I just lay on his bed, thinking.
"You ready to go?" he asks, reaching his hand out to help me up.
"Yeah," I say, getting up.

The car ride is short, and when we get home my mom is in the midst of cooking dinner.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart," my mom shouts as I enter through the door.
"Thanks Mom," I say, hugging her.
"Dinner will be done in about 40 minutes. I'll call you when it's ready," she tells me.
"You sure you don't need any help," Emery asks.
"I'm sure. Thank you though, Emery."

Emery and I head upstairs. I sit at my desk as he sits on my bed.
"Can we talk?" I ask.
"Um, sure," Emery says.
"I'm serious," I tell him.
"Should I be scared," he asks, standing up.
I laugh. "No."
"Okay. So, what's up?"
"Next year, we'll talk and text and FaceTime so much. I promise. It's just you should know that I'm not coming home any time other than breaks."
"Zoey, I thought you said that we'd visit each other."
"I know I said that, but I've been thinking about it, and if we both want to do well in school, we can't have too many distractions."
"So our relationship is a distraction," he asks quietly, his voice cracking.
"Emery, I'm not saying that. I just think that we need to have our space. We've spent almost every single day together for as long as I can remember."
"I guess so. But I'm gonna miss you too much," he says, picking me up, sitting down, and placing me on his lap.
"I will too. So much."
"That's what this is for," he says, slipping his hand onto my neck and picking up my heart locket. "And the frame."
I open the locket, thinking I haven't in a while.

I lay my head on his chest and look up at the one person I could never love more.
"I just wish we had more time," Emery says.
"What do you mean?"
"After all the lost years of our friendship, we only became a couple this year. I want more time for us. More time to cherish our relationship. More time to do the things we've always wanted."
"We can do all that once our lives together finally start, after college."
"But that's four years," he pouts.
"Well, we waited about 13 years to be together. Four more years doesn't seem all that bad," I tell him.

A little while later, we're called down to eat dinner. After dinner, we have dessert, talk, and Ricky and I open presents from our family. After that, we all head upstairs to go to bed.

As he lays down next to me Emery says, "Promise me something."
"Even if something happens in the future where we don't end up together-," I cut him short.
"We will."
"But if we don't, promise me that you'll never hate me."
"I promise. I could never hate you. It's impossible for me to unlove you, Emery Kelly."
He kisses me quickly and says, "I love you, Zoey Garcia."
And with that, I snuggle up to him and am out like a light, dreaming of what I'll be doing this time next year and how our relationship will have changed by then.

I wake up in the middle of the night to a tap on my back.
"What?" I mumble.
He brings me closer to him and snuggles into my neck. "You were shaking."
"I-I was?"
He doesn't say anything, just softly places a kiss on my neck.
I pull back and he looks at me confused.
"I'm not tired now," I tell him.
"Babe, we have to go to sleep. We have school in the morning."
"Well, now look who the serious one is," I joke.
"Not funny."
"Come on. I'm bored and since you woke me up, you have to deal with it." I sit up and straddle his legs.
"I was just trying to be a good boyfriend," he says, sitting up as well.
I playfully roll my eyes.
He laughs. "So what are we gonna do?"
"Wanna play a game?"
"What kind of game?"
"How about we kiss and whoever touches the other first loses?"
"What do I get when I win," he asks, cockily.
I laugh. "Whatever you want, but let's be real. I'm gonna win."
"Yea sure," he says, starting to lean in.

As our lips touch I have the urgent need to touch him, but I resist.
He bites my bottom lip, knowing that makes me crazy. I open my mouth to him and we starts french kissing. He moans into my mouth, making my core clench and me moan as well.
He basically screams but very quietly as his hands attach to my waist and he pushes me down to hover over me.
I pull way. "I win."
His lips quickly come back to mine as he mumbles, "I don't care."
I try to pull away again, but his lips move to my neck.
"No marks," I breathe. Though I think he disregards my warning as he begins to suck hard on a spot.
"E-Emery, I said no marks."
He finishes what he's doing and then pecks my lips once more. "I'm sorry."
"Emery," I whisper scream.
He tries to keep a straight face but cracks a smile.
"It's not funny, you asshole," I say, pushing on his chest.
"Okay, okay. Whatever. What do you want now that you won?"
"I have an idea," I say, pushing Emery over so I'm on top.
I lean in close to his ear and say, "After school, you're gonna let me read you're song book."
"What? No," he protests.
"You agreed on the terms."
"But, I-," he tries.
"Nope. I won so this is what I want."
"I'm kinda tired now. Goodnight," I say as I get off of him and snuggle into his side.
"We're talking about this tomorrow."
"I can't hear you. I'm sleeping," I joke.
"I really hate you sometimes," he tells me, pulling me closer. "Goodnight."

Chapter 32 Author's Note:
Thanks so much for reading. Please comment your favorite line, leave your overall comments below, vote, recommend, and follow for updates. Thank you, again.


as much as i love writing this book i rarely have the time to and i'm falling short of inspiration... so please comment!

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