Chapter 5- Not Pushing It

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We go into the basement.
Emery and I sit on one chair. I sit in between his legs.
This forces Ricky and Clare to sit on the couch together.
Emery and I decide we should watch the timeless movie "Titanic".
Emery wraps his arms around me, getting comfortable.

During the sex scene in the cargo, Emery kisses my head and whispers, "I love you." Ricky and Clare hear us and look a bit out of place. Ricky glances at Clare. When Emery sees this he whispers in my ear, "I think it's working."

I get up and, trying to get Ricky and Clare to have some time alone, say, "Um, I have to grab something from my room. Emery do you mind coming with me?"
"Sure," Emery says, standing up and taking my hand.
"You guys will be alright down here by yourselves, right?" I say.
They both nod, so Emery and I head up the stairs.

We go into the kitchen to see my mom making dinner.
"Hey Mom," I say, sitting on the counter.
"Hey honey. Where are Clare and Ricky?" she asks.
"Downstairs," Emery says.
"You two are trying to set them up, aren't you?" Mom says, closing the oven.
"We only want them to be as happy as we are, Mrs. Garcia," Emery says, taking my hand again.
"I'm glad you do, but you shouldn't push it to happen. It will happen when it happens," Mom says.
"I'll be upstairs, getting ready to go out to dinner with Dad when he comes home, while the food is cooking," Mom says, going upstairs.

Emery looks at me and says, "I guess we shouldn't push them, but I don't want to go back down just yet."
"And why is that?" I ask.
He comes closer to me, opens my legs, and walks in between them.
He takes my face in his hands and moves his face towards mine. Right before our lips touch, he turns his head to my ear and whispers, "Because down there I can't do this."
As soon as he finishes whispering that, he kisses me hard.
We finish our kiss, and I say, "We should go back down now."
"Okay," he says lifting me off of the counter and placing me on the floor.

We go back downstairs to see Ricky and Clare in the same awkward position as before. I guess the alone time didn't help.
We decide to pause the movie and do something else.

"What do you guys want to do until dinner?" I ask.
"Truth or dare?" Ricky says, with a devilish smile.
"Fine," the rest of us say, sighing.
"I'll go first," Ricky says. "Truth or dare Emery?"
"Dare," Emery says.
"I dare you to not touch Zoey for the rest of the game," Ricky says.
I give him a glare, while Emery lets go of my hand.
"Okay, my turn. Truth or dare Clare?" Emery asks.
"Truth," Clare says.
"What was your first impression of me the first time we met?" he asks.
"Well, we met in fourth grade. I remember is Zoey introducing me to you. I know I thought you had cooties, but I also thought that you and Zoey were cute together," Clare says.
"Awe," I say, looking at Emery.
"Zoey, truth or dare?" Clare then asks me.
"Um, dare," I say.
"I dare you to let Emery do a body shot on you tonight," she says.
"What the fuck," Ricky and I both yell.
"A dare's a dare," Emery says.
"Thank you, Emery," Clare says.
"When?" I ask.
"We'll do it after dinner, when your parents are out to dinner," Emery says.
"Ricky, can I just touch Emery for one second?" I ask Ricky.
Ricky nods, knowing what I'm going to do.
I slap the back of Emery's head.
"Ouch," he shrieks.
"Idiot," I say.
"With that decided, truth or dare Ricky?" I say.
"Truth," Ricky says.
"What are you going to do to Emery after he does the body shot?" I ask.
Ricky flashes another devilish smile and calmly, yet looking like a madman, says, "I'm gonna kill him."
"Shit," Emery mutters.

"Dinner's ready," Mom yells down to the basement.
We all head upstairs. Emery tries to grab my hand as we're walking up the stairs, but I slap it away, annoyed at him.
"Mom, you look beautiful," I say as I see her dressed for dinner.
"Thank you sweetheart," she says.

We sit down at the table.
Emery pulls out a chair for me, but I ignore him and walk around the table to sit next to Clare.
Emery sits across from me, and Ricky sits across from Clare.
We start eating, and Mom says, "Dad's here. We'll see you kids in a few hours."
We say our goodbyes.
As soon as she's out the door I say, "I really hate all of you right now, except Ricky."
"Sorry Zoey, but it's a dare," Clare says.
"And, Z, you know it's not my fault, but I'm sorry anyway," Emery says.
"Ugh, okay, I forgive the both of you. But I'm not gonna be happy with this dare," I say.

We finish dinner and clean off the table. We put the dirty dishes in the dish washer and pack up the leftovers.

I get out the supplies needed for this dare: tequila, a lime, and salt.
I lay down on the table.
Ricky and Clare stand on one side of the table, watching as Emery sets up the dare.
He pulls my shirt up a little. He takes the salt and trails it from my belly button up to my chest. He gives me the lime, and I put it in my mouth. He pours a little tequila into my belly button, accidentally spilling some around my stomach.
He looks into my eyes, bites his lip, and ducks his head down to my stomach.
He licks up my stomach, cleaning it from the salt and alcohol he recently put on it. After my stomach is clean, he brings his head up to mine and kisses me open-mouthed, eating the lime from my mouth.

"Mother of God," Ricky says, covering his eyes, as Emery kisses me again after eating the lime.
I sit up to see Ricky and Clare looking wide-eyed at Emery and I.
I get off the table and say, "Time for bed. Goodnight boys," grabbing Clare's arm and going upstairs.
"Hey," Emery says, grabbing my waist from the back. "Goodnight love," he says, pecking my lips.
"Good luck," I say, heading up to my room with Clare.

Chapter 5 Author's Note:
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