Chapter 27- Fifty Shades Of Christmas

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I straighten out the lower part of my dress and fix my hair before walking downstairs. On Christmas Eve, all of our family comes over to our house for dinner and sleeps over. This year, my mom invited Joanna and Emery to join us too, since Emery is spending Christmas Eve with his mom and Christmas Day with his dad.

I haven't seen Emery in a few days, since he was hanging out with his dad and getting to know his dad's new girlfriend.

"Zoey," my aunt Hannah exclaims, coming over to hug me.
"Aunt Hannah! I've missed you so much," I say, hugging her back.
"Or did you just miss my sugar cookies?" she jokes, pulling back.
"Maybe both," I laugh.
"So, I heard Emery is spending this year with us," she says with a smirk.
Almost all of my family has met Emery. He is like part of the family to most of them.
"My mom told you didn't she?" I say.
"You can't keep secrets between two sisters," she says.
"I guess," I sigh, slightly laughing at the same time.

All of a sudden, my eye catches a figure about the size of my boyfriend. Oh wait, that is him.
"Sorry aunt Hannah, but will you excuse me?"
"Of course. I'll catch you later," she says, leaving me.

I walk over to him and tap on his shoulder, making him turn around to me.
"Hey. Why didn't you come over to me?" I say, a bit annoyed but overall happy to see him.
"I don't know," he says, shrugging.

He keeps this act up the whole night, barely talking or just making sounds, acting like he's annoyed at me.

I've been talking all night, and I'm just about fed up with it. Emery sees this and, without emotion, asks, "Want to go upstairs?"
"Yes," I say, happy to get out of these conversations, grabbing his hand and running up the stairs.
Once we get up to my room, I collapse on my bed, flicking off my heels. Emery just stands there, watching me.
"Come here," I say, reaching my arms out towards him.
He just stands there, stiff as a board. I give him a look, and he finally sits down next to me.
"What's wrong?" I ask, seeing the way he is acting tonight.
"Nothing," he says.
I run my hand along his cheek. "Are you sure?"
He nods his head.
I move closer to kiss him, but he pushes me away.
I stand up. "Okay. Seriously, what's wrong?"
"I'm just not in the mood. It's nothing," he says.
"It's obviously not nothing. Just tell me."
He stands up in front of me. "Zoey, it's nothing," he says sternly.
"Emery, even if it is nothing, I want to know. I love you, and I need to know if you're okay or not," I say, taking his hands in mine.
He looks down and breathes out. "I heard you and Clare talking the other day," he says, leaving me almost speechless.
"Emery, I-" I start but get cut off as his lips crash down to mine.

About five minutes later there's a knock on the door, but we are too busy to hear it.
"Yo lovebirds," Ricky starts, making us break apart. "I think I just hurled in my mouth," he then says, looking away.
I slightly laugh, still scared about what is going to happen when Emery and I conclude our discussion. "What's up?"
"Wait a second, still hurling," he says then turns around. "Dinner is ready, and thanks for permanently putting the image of my best friend's tongue being shoved down my sister's throat in my brain."

As the night progresses, everyone gets tired and starts to head off to bed, most of them going to sleep in the basement.

Emery and I haven't talked much since our conversation in my room.
"Em, we need to finish our conversation from before."
"I'm leaving," is all he has to say, not even looking at me.
"Emery, please just look at me," I plea, making his eyes meet mine.
"Em, please stay the night," I say.
"Fine. I'll ask my mom," he says, walking away from me.

I ask my mom. After she says yes, I walk back over to Emery.
"My mom said you can stay. What did your mom say?" I ask.
"She said yes too," he says coldly.

I'm Gonna Do It Right - An Emery Kelly Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें