Chapter 28- Birthday Beginnings

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Today's Emery's birthday and I'm actually a little scared of what he will think of my gift. I was thinking about a few ideas for a while and this one seemed like the best, but I'm not sure how he'll feel about it.

I get up at eight o'clock. I get dressed into a pair of black jeans, a loose white sweater, and white hightop Converse sneakers. Around nine o'clock, I head over to his house. Emery wants to get his license as soon as possible. It's some type of pride thing, I guess. So I'm taking him to the DMV this morning.

I knock on the house door, which Joanna opens in less than a minute.
"He's still sleeping, dear," she says after welcoming me in.
"Okay," I say before walking up the stairs to his room.

I shut the door quietly and take a look at the adorableness of my boyfriend sleeping. He's laying face-up, on top of the covers, in nothing but his underwear, with a pillow clenched in his hands and a small smile on his lips.

I walk over to him and slowly take the pillow out of his grip, making his arms fall limp beside him. I run a hand through his hair, appreciating just how adorable he really is.

I lean down closer to him, making our lips almost touch. I trail a finger around his face, surprised at how heavy a sleeper he is. I look one more time at his lips and sink mine down on top of them. After only a few seconds I feel him kiss back. I pull away only to be pulled into the bed and pushed underneath him.

"We're finally the same age," he says with excitement.
I laugh. "You say that every year."
He just laughs along.
"Happy birthday Em," I say, putting my arms around his neck.
"Thank you, and now if you don't mind, your seventeen-year-old boyfriend is going to get changed for his driver's test," he says, getting up.
I sit up, watching him pick out his clothes and get dressed. While he's in the bathroom I make his bed. He finishes up in his room, and we head downstairs.

"Happy birthday baby boy," Joanna says, attacking Emery with a hug. He blushes due to her comment.
"Thanks Mom. We have to get going," he then says, letting go of his mom and taking my hand.
After we exit out of the house he whispers in my ear. "I only like it when you call me that."
I laugh as my cheeks turn a light tint of red.

Once we get to the DMV, Emery gives them his name, and after a short while he gets in the car for the test.

After he gets back, I wait outside as he talks to the person grading him. After about five minutes, I feel the keys in my hand be taken out.
I turn around to see Emery. "What happened?"
"I got my license, baby," he says, holding up a piece of paper he will have to use for about a month as his license.
"Congrats, Em," I say, tackling him with a hug. "But I'm driving today." I take the keys back from his hand.
"What? Why?" he asks.
"It's your birthday, and I have an something special planned for us," I tell him as we get in the car.
"Fine. Where are we going?"
"You'll just have to wait and see," I tell him, putting on the radio.

It's about a five hour drive to where we're headed, and it's almost four o'clock as we approach our final destination.

"We're going to your Hamptons house?" Emery says as I pull up in the driveway.
I get out of the car and go to the trunk, Emery meeting me there. I take out the luggage for our overnight stay and lock the car.
"You packed for me?" he says, taking the bag from me and walking towards the front door.
"Well, I wasn't gonna let you run naked through the streets," I tell him, opening the door.
"I'd rather lay naked in the sheets," he whispers in my ear.
"Shut up," I say, pushing on his chest.
"Come on. Don't lie to yourself. You love it when I talk to you like that," he says a bit louder, shutting the door.
I laugh, leading him to our room.

After settling in, we sit on the couch and relax for a while. Well, by relax I mean make out. We do this until I get a reminder notification on my phone.
The sound breaks us apart, both of us looking a mess due to our previous actions.
"What's that?" Em asks, referring to my alarm that just went off.
"A reminder for us. I thought something like this might happen. We have to get ready for dinner," I tell him as I smooth out my hair.

We go back to our room, where I give him the clothes I packed for him to change into. I take my black leather skirt and red long sleeve shirt, heading into the bathroom to get ready. When I come out of the bathroom, the first thing I see is how ravishing Emery looks in the black collared shirt and khaki pants I packed for him.

Before leaving, I put on my white knitted scarf along with my jacket.
"Will you tell me where we're going for dinner?" he asks as he puts his jacket on.
"We're going to the beach."

Chapter 28 Author's Note:
Thanks so much for reading. Please comment your favorite line, leave your overall comments below, vote, recommend, and follow for updates. Thank you, again.

OMFG IT HAS BEEN WAY TOO LONG! Guys I am finally back and cannot wait to write so much more. I'm sorry for this short and sucky chapter, but I had to tell you guys I'm back. Sorry I was longer than expected. I had to catch up on some school work for summer and read some of the updates I missed while I was on vacation. I promise you all I will update again really soon. I LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!

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