Chapter 18

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{Song in video: Bazzi - Mine}

I went to work, not knowing how I would act or what I would say around Mr. Havens.

Will we talk about the kiss? Will he ignore me and act like we didn't kiss? Will we kiss again?

I wanted to bring up the kiss somehow, but of course not during work hours, when we were all busy.

"Stacey? Earth to Stacey?" Harper said, snapping me back into reality. "The elevator is still open. I've been holding it for you."

"Oh, hey, Harper!" I exclaimed as I stepped into the elevator.

As the elevator door was about to close, Harper pressed the 'hold' button, and Mr. Havens came in.

"Thank you," Mr. Havens said, nodding his head once.

"No problem, Mr. Havens," Harper said.

"Good morning, Anastasia and Harper." He glanced at us.

"Good morning, Mr. Havens," I said, smiling.

"Good morning," Harper said. She turned back to me, looking confused. "Are you okay, Stacey? You seem a little out of it today."

"Who, me?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes you, silly." She laughed.

"No, I'm fine." I laughed.

"Oh okay. I was just wondering since I had to call your name a million times and keep holding the elevator door open."

I glanced at Mr. Havens, who was slightly chuckling to himself.

I felt my face flush. "Oh, I was just concentrating on what I was going to do today."

The elevator opened, and then we stepped out, and go to do our jobs.

I went over to my desk, and sat down. As I was checking emails for work, Mr. Havens came over to my desk, and said, "Hey, Anastasia, we're going to be having that business meeting in an hour the office where we have our business meetings."

I looked up from my computer, nodding my head. "Oh okay, I'll see you then," I said.

He gave me a smile, and then went over to Dante to tell him the same thing.

I do my work until the next hour comes. About five minutes before the meeting started, I went to Mr. Havens' office.

Dante, Sanjay, and a few other co-workers were sitting down at a table. I sat down at the only seat that wasn't taken, which was across from Mr. Havens, who was at the head of the table. I was sitting at the other head of the table.

"We will now begin this meeting," Mr. Havens said. He took out a few pieces of paper, and passed it to each of us. Then, he stood next to the white board, and started to talk about sales and different ideas.

We took notes of what he was saying, but I found it hard to concentrate.

"Anastasia?" Mr. Havens said, and I quickly got back into focus.

"Yes?" I said, not knowing what was happening the past few minutes.

"I asked if you have any ideas."

I blinked, still not knowing what was going on. "Ideas on what?"

"On what we've been discussing the past few minutes. About what we should do with our sales. Do you think we should keep doing what we're doing or do you have any ideas you would like to suggest?" He raised an eyebrow.

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