#12 What happened to me?

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"Y/n! Your drunk come on we're driving you home!" Since when did Dante and Garroth get here.

"Ssshut sssup." I laughed at my slur that I had in my voice.

"Come on y/n! We have to go!" Stupid Dante.

"Okay Dante you get her home I'm going to go find the other girls." With that Garroth left and I mean good riddance!

I stood up feeling the dizziness hit me. I should had put my drink down because as soon as I started walking I spilt it all over Dante's shirt that was white.

"Aww shit y/n! Honestly your the worse when your drunk!"

"Sorry?" I said in a sassy voice which probably sounded more like a question.

"Ugh what ever, get yourself a cab when you leave!" With that he also left and I mean good riddance to him to right?

I decided to go back into the kitchen to grab another drink until I felt someone hug me. It wasn't a nice oh hi there hug no it was a creepy hug...

"Um excuse me!" I yelled but it sounded like a whisper since it was so loud at the party.I looked to see some random guy with brown hair and green eyes. He was kind of attractive but not really especially since he was not letting me go.

"Get off of me!"

"What's wrong? I though you were a-" before he could finish I heard a angry voice interrupt him.

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you Vylad, I mean I don't care how drunk you are I will still tell your brother." With that Vylad let go and tried running through the group of people which was hard. I recognized that name from some where.

"Thanks your my tottaly amazing hero! Your so so like super man!" It's tottaly true I mean am I right?

"Y/n come on I'm taking you upstairs so I can call a cab for you." I nodded slowly before hanging onto the shoulders of Laurence. Finally we started to head upstairs to a quite room.

Laurence pov:
I dragged y/n upstairs then set her on top of a bed in a quite room.

"Hey lar lar?" I looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Lar lar?"

"Yes it's like a... well it's like cute. You know what your cute!" I smiled at her comment. I wanted to tell her that I was sorry for taking Aphmau's side but she was drunk and what was weird was that even drunk she was still beautiful.

"Get me some water please?" I nodded as I ran out the door and down the hallway to the washroom. I then turned around and ran downstairs to eat some water bottles since people were making out in the washrooms. Once I got a water bottle I ran back upstairs to a sleeping y/n. Well actually she blacked out from being drunk.

I suddenly heard a loud banging on the door followed by Garroth's voice.
"Hey Laurence come on, we have to go! Our parents will get mad at us if we're out pass curfew." I stayed silent for a little longer.

"Laurence! You will be grounded for life! There is alcohol and well drugs here! Even though we don't use them we will still get in trouble!"

"Okay I'm coming!" I looked at y/n, she will be fine... right? I shook my head before standing up and heading out with Garroth. I felt guilty but it's not my fault she was drunk... even though I am in love with her, I just still couldn't risk getting grounded for so long.

Y/n pov:
I opened up my eyes to feel light streaming into them. I didn't feel gross but I could feel a hang over coming on. Wait we're am I? I instantly jolted up to see that the light was a lamp and standing over the lamp was "Travis?"

"Oh hey Y/n! Your finally awake."

"Travis! What the hell is going on?"
He looked at me in surprise.

"Don't you remember what happened last night?"

I shook my head before pausing. "Well I remember some stuff... why?"

"What was the last thing you remembered and tell it in detail."

I squinted my eyes as I was trying to ignore the hang over I was getting.

"Okay well I remember Vylad being stupid and Laurence coming to save me. He took me upstairs and set me down in a quite empty room, we then flirted or well I flirted and he went to get me some water at I think around 12 am but then everything just went black and I don't remember anything after that."

"Wait? No that can't be right Laurence wouldn't do that would he?"

What does he mean? "Travis what do you mean?"

"I came upstairs to the room and found you passed out under the covers with your shirt on the floor at 3 am..."

"W-what? Why was my shirt off? I don't recall Laurence putting me under the covers! Also why would Laurence leave me passed out at a party with thousands of strangers!" I could feel my eyes watering.

"Y/n listen you need to calm down."

I couldn't help it I started crying. I looked up at Travis feeling tears stream down my face. "Travis, what happened to me?"

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