#15 Black Hoodie

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"Alright class as you can see I have just handed out all of your social tests and I have to say only two of you did well. Aphmau good job and y/n you did amazing!" I just nodded at the teachers comment on my social test. I had always been good at social and loved social especially when I would get good marks but today I just wasn't feeling it.

"Okay so  class I will be assigning you all a group project, you are going to have to choose anywhere in the world then you will make a portfolio, food and decorations for it. This will be for 30% of your grade so work at home as well at school."  After the teacher had finished talking everyone started asking other people to be partners

Great a group project. Maybe I can be alone.

"I will be choosing  your groups!" At that moment everyone went silent as if they had rehearsed it. I started to play with my pencil as I was waiting for name to be called.

"Okay and finally Aphmau, Laurence, Gene and y/n are in a group."
No! Why Laurence! I hate him! I felt my eyes water, it's all his fault I would have been focusing on the fact that Aaron cheated but instead....

"Well well well..." I heard the annoying voice of Aphmau and instantly I felt a head ache.

"I guess we will meet at your house... bye murderer!"

"You are such a b-" before I could finish my sentence the bell rang for the next class. Everyone got up but I didn't just get up I jolted up and raced out crying. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door so no one could get in. I then fell on the floor and let the tears fall Onto my pants. I started to shiver and get dizzy. I took my phone out and looked at the time. It was 9:45 which meant I had 5 more hours of school and then after that I have people coming over.

After I had gotten my stuff out of my locker I walked out of the school and started to walk home. I decided to skip today since I was just not feeling up to it. On my way home I got some coffee and some food. I felt as if I were being followed but I ignored it until I heard someone walking very close behind me. I turned on my phone and put the camera on to see a guy with a black hoodie on.

That was when I felt like time has stopped. Everything was frozen... he pulled out a gun!

Leave it be (My street x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang