#21 A Date?

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Garroths pov:
I stood there looking at y/n. I know it might seem creepy but I was just... I can't help it okay! She is so pretty and not only that but she is so nice. I looked around and realized it was the carnival which was the perfect time for a date. But can I do that? I sighed and started walking towards her.

Y/n pov:

"Okay so um I need to talk to you... in private." I smiled at Gene and nodded.

"Were in private aren't we?" He then shook his head before responding.

"No I think Garroth is coming up to you... look just meet me behind tents of the carnival at 9pm." He then left. I wonder why it has to be so private that it's behind the tents at 9pm.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was currently 4pm. The school carnival was going on until 12am and it was inside and outside. I stood near the lockers until finally Garroth came over.

"Hey Garroth!" He smirked and put his arm on the locker. It shocked me since this wasn't much of a Garroth thing, his face was also very close to mine to the point were I could see his ocean blue eyes and how beautiful they were.

"Wanna go on a date?" His question took me completely by surprise.

"Um... like here at the carnival or?"  He thought about it.

"Well I mean do you want it to be here?" I rolled my eyes. He was so confident but now he is second guessing him self again.

"Well I mean sure... but this doesn't mean were boyfriend and girlfriend!" He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. We then started to head towards the games.

The first game we got to was a bottle toss. He through the ball and knocked over all the bottles since he is in baseball and has a good arm.

"What do you think looks best out of the prizes?" He asked.

I looked at them raising one eyebrow. It was then I saw this small little dear stuffy. I smiled and pointed to it.

"I think you should get that one." Garroth nodded and asked the man for it. Just as I was about to lead the way to another game Garroth tapped my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Here, this is for you." He held out the small little dear stuffy in the palm of his hand. He then grabbed my hand gently and put it in then closed it. He smiled at me again making me blush as I smiled at him. I never thought about Garroth much but he is great!

Genes pov:
I saw y/n with Garroth, smiling, blushing, laughing and holding hands. It made me feel mad and I envied Garroth a little bit. Why do I feel so...so   Jealous ? I mean it's not like I actually like y/n... right? I then looked back at her and it hit me.
I like y/n... a lot.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 9 o'clock. Hopefully she won't stand me up. I walked over to the tent and stood there for a while until I finally hood crunching of the grass.

"Y/n?" I asked.

"Yea I'm right here Gene." She then came out of the bush that covered one of the ends of the tent.

"So what's up?" She looked so pretty standing there with the moonlight steaming across her face.

"Are you and Garroth dating? I questioned her.

"What no!" She replied.

"Are you and Garroth a couple?"

"No what the h-"

"Did you guys have s-"



I then realized she looked very bombarded because I was asking such stupid questions.

"If you really must know! We were out on a friendly date type thing! And why the hell would we elope!" I started to f eel embarrassed at my questions. I also saw that she was getting angrier and angrier. I then grabbed both of her hands which made her stop talking. She looked at me with her e/c eyes. Suddenly everything stopped. The birds chirping went away and it felt like the whole area had lightened up. Everything around us froze as I started to lean in. Y/n then also started to lean in. She closed her eyes and I closed my eyes. It was perfect. I then felt her breath on my face.

"GUYS!" We both immediately  pulled back and saw who had just yelled.

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