#37 You broke my heart

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Hey! Before you read this chapter I suggest rereading the last 2 or 3 chapters just because I have been on a break and haven't updated
Y/n pov:
I moaned as I got out of bed feeling tired as ever. School is today and what's even worse is that it's a Monday.
Eyes dropping I went over to my bath room to have a shower and change. (Pic above) after I got my outfit on I grabbed my phone and bag and headed out the door to go to school. 

"Maybe today will be a good day.." I murmured to myself. As I was staring at the floor I started to think about the party that happened a couple months ago. Did I really forgive Laurence for leaving me there passed out drunk? I mean nothing happened right... I felt my stomach start to tie into knots from the thought of being... you know.. so I started to run to school to get my mind off of it.

By the time I got to school it was about twenty minutes before class. I grabbed my stuff out of my locker then turned around to see... Dante.
I wonder what he has been up too? Maybe he just- stop it y/n! He cheated on me I can't love him... right? I shook my head and I leaned against my locker slowly sliding down. I then turned on my phone to open Instagram. I had already catched up on my photos so I decided to go through my old feed when I saw him.

"Gene." I sighed remembering how he was still missing... kind of.
Closing my eyes I felt a tear stream down my face. I love him.

"Y/n?" I cleared my eyes as I looked up to see Garroth looking at me with his bright blue worried eyes.

"Oh hi Garroth, it's been a while." I smiled at him but instead of him smiling back he just grabbed my arm and pull me up.

"Ow! Garroth that hurts!" I scream at him as I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Shut up and stop struggling!" He then dragged me over to the school doors, down the stairs and behind the bleachers.

"What the fuck Garroth! What the hell is wrong with you?" I gritted my teeth.

"Can you just shut up for once! God your so annoying I don't know why I ever liked you." He yelled at me looking me directly in the eyes.

Why would he say that?
"What did I do! I've never done anything to you!" I screamed at him with rage in my voice.

"You... broke... my... heart." He said between breathes looking at the ground.

I squinted my eyes at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

He sighed. "You and I, we went on a date and then you hardly talked to me afterwards."

"G-Garroth did you get y/n?" I then looked over my shoulder to see Laurence with bruises and cuts and all over his arms and face.

"Laurence!" Screaming I ran up to him and hugged him then let go grabbing his face and looking at it closely.

"What happened to you?" I murmured.

Laurence sighed turning around as my hands fell of his bruised face. He then turned back around walking up to me.

"I-I got attacked  by... someone I forgot who." He bit his lip which is what he does when he lies. I would have pushed him on the subject but I already knew the answer... it was probably someone apart of Dante's dads gang.

But why though? I thought they wanted me to go out with Laurence? The only person I could ever think of that wouldn't want me to go out with Laurence is...
"GARROTH!" I turned around punching him as hard as I could in the jaw.

Hey guys! Yup I'm finished exams which means it's summer... and I can write again :D I'm going to be starting another book soon I'm just planning. Also the beginning of the chapter was written back in May so sorry if the writing is different! :)

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