#30 Bruised

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I ran up to his rang the door bell.

"Shit! What did I just do!" I murmmered to myself. I shouldn't have rang the door bell! If Dante's parents beat him and Gene they might be dangerous an-

"Who the hell are you!" I stopped in mid thought and looked up to see a tall muscular man who seemed to be in his 30's.He had dark brown hair like Gene's and blue eyes like Dante's.

"What are you thick?" He yelled at me. I can't go back now....

"I-I'm Dante's girlfriend." As soon as I said the words Dante's girlfriend a sick smile came across his face.

"Dante's girlfriend eh? From what I know Dante is at the hospital which must mean...your here to see Gene aren't you?" I nodded not making a sound and to my suprise Genes dad pointed his arm to the stairs indicating I could come in. As soon as I walked into the house I was hit with the smell of alcohol and something else o couldn't put my fingers on it. I smiled at Genes dad until he finally went into the living room. I then ran upstairs to see four doors, the problem is which rooms is Genes?
I then noticed one of the doors looked smashed open so I cautiously walked over to the door. I peeked my head in to see a bunch of thrown glass on the ground, furniture everyone and... blood on the floor but no Gene. I shook my head feeling scared I then turned my head to see Genes dad with a pan in his hand then I felt pressure on my knock and my world went black.

"Ughhh." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I felt like throwing up, I also felt like I just banged my head against a wall hundreds of times. I started to open my eyes but everything was blurry. I couldn't see anything accept a moving shape and a bit of light coming through what I'm assuming is a window. Finally my eyes started to unblurr. I could see clearly and wish I hadn't. Looking around is as a cement cold floor with full grey walls. In the corner was shelf and in the middle of the room was a office chair that was turned away from me and was only visible because of the light coming through a small window.

"Oh good your awake." Looking over I saw Genes dad. I was about to scream until he walked over to the chair and turned it over so it was facing me. On the chair was a bloody, bruised and knocked out Gene.

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