#32 Am I safe?

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Y/n pov:
Beep, Beep!

I darted up almost screaming. Where am I? Am I safe? Is Gene safe?

I moved my eyes around to see the walls of my bedroom and looked down to see me in my bed sheets. Was this just a dream? I then reached over to grab my phone but ended up feeling some sort of paper, picking it up I felt a sudden weight in my stomach. I already know who this is from, I thought as I started to read the note.

"Dear y/n this is Brian aka Genes dad. You fell asleep... kind of.... and I took you to your house and put ou in your bed room. Now! You probably think this was ALL A DREAM! But it's all VERY real and the deal is VERY MUCH STILL ON! Now you better break up with Dante today you useless prick or YOU WILL find someone you care for.... "go missing"

I put down the note then stood out of my bed and looked outside. My legs started to shake and my eyes started to get watery. I then felt the cold hard floor slam against my shaky knees as I collapsed. I felt tears slowly stream down my face and onto the floor, I felt a huge pain in my stomach until finally I just stopped crying, moving and just laid there with my eyes closed.


I opened my eyes to hearing what sounded like Garroth and Laurence. The note then started ringing in my head. "Someone you care for... "go missing" that could be Garroth or Laurence. They could "go missing" because I was to scared to break up with Dante! Standing up I felt a spark of determination but it then died down realizing I would have to break up with Dante. I shook my head as I looked st my phone.
It's 7:30 am which means I have time to get ready for school. Running over to the wash room and started to get ready and put on clothes (pic above)

After I was done changing I raced outside and felt the sun hit my face as I started walking to school.

"Hey! Y/n! Wait up!" I turned around to see Travis running towards me. I haven't seen him in a long time..

"Oh hey Travis." I murmured as he walked beside me.

"Were the hell have you been?" He laughed but at the same time sounded serious.

"What? I've only been gone for like a day." I told him confused.

"Pfft more like a week!" What? A week! I thought it had only been a day!

"Oh sorry it just felt like I was gone for a day you know when I was visiting y sister.." I smiled at Travis even though it was a fake smile.

"Mk.... so you don't answer your texts when your with your sister?" He asked my sounds unconvinced.

He's onto me... he knows I'm not telling the truth.

"Yea um listen we're going to be late!" I then started running towards school before he could say another word.

So sorry I haven't uploaded in like ten years! I will be uploading again much sooner don't worry but I am going away from Monday until Whenesday so I might not be able to make a chapter but I will post another one or two this week. Again sorry :3

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