#29 Dante likes Katelyn?

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Y/n pov:
I was trying to sleep since it was 1 am. Dante was still in the hospital since the doctors were doing some examining. I know that right after Dante and I realized Gene went home I should have gone to his house or called the police but Dante said I shouldn't go there or call the police since it would get him in more danger.
I kind of wish that after we found out about Dante getting beat up by a random we still stayed at the cabin but instead we packed our bags and left. I shook my head, I should try and get my mind off this by thinking about something else. I then realized that Halloween was in 4 days on Friday and there was going to be a school dance. I would of course being going with Dante even thought I would rather Gen- what am I saying? Dante is my boyfriend not Gene so there for I rather Dante...right?

Beep! Beep!
I slammed my hand against my phone then grabbed my pillow and stuffed it over my head.

"Ugh! I don't want to go to school!" I said to my self into the pillow.

I then got up and looked at the time seeing it was 7:30 am made me rush to the shower. After I was done showering , brushing my teeth, washing my face and blow drying my hair I went to my mirror. Today I think I'm just going to go with a high pony tale. Once I got my hair into a high pony tail I put on some mascara and got changed. (Pic above)

Ring! Ring!
I walked over to my phone and saw a text from Dante.
(D= Dante Y= You)
D:Hey babe! ❤️
Y:Hey what's up?
D:So turns a part of my rib bone broke off and is floating around... 😬
Y: Oh no! Can it be fixed?
D:Yea it can! I just have to get Surgery..
Y: WHAT?!?
D:No No babe don't worry, I will just be in the hospital for tonight and tomorrow then I will have the surgery. I can't move just in case the broke piece gets to my lungs and inflates them so I will be in the hospital for five or so days 😄
Y: Oh okay. Good thing it can be fixed. I will bring your school work to you later but I have do go to school bye Dante!
D: Bye y/n!

I then put my phone in my back pack and left to go to school.

Laurence pov:
I was waiting at y/n's locker. I really want her and I to make up... I know that she is with Dante but I also know that deep down she will hopefully like me and that Dante likes Katelyn as well as y/n which she doesn't know. But he said he didn't like Katelyn nearly as much as y/n but I would be willing to give up my friendship with Dante if it meant being with y/n.

"Laurence?" I looked over and saw y/n. I hadn't even noticed her since I was day dreaming.

"H-hey y/n!" I had no idea if she had remembered our argument.

"What do you want?" From her voice I could tell she kind of did remember.

"Listen y/n I'm sorry about everything I said to you on that day we argued it's been bothering me and I'm sorry I didn't say it sinner but I'm sorry I just really want to be in good terms and friends again."

Y/n pov:
I honestly forgot about Laurence and I fighting. I also had lots on my mind so I mine as well forgive him for... I kind of forgot what he even said..

"Yea! It's totally fine! I forgive you! Listen I got to get to class catch you later?" Laurence smiled and looked relieved. I also just realized I hadn't seen Gene yet.

"Hey by any chance do you know we're Gene is? I was to tell him I'm sorry about Dante and the surgery." I then snapped back at Laurence.

"Wait! Gene isn't here?" Laurence shook his head.

"Apparently he hasn't answered anyone's calls since last night. Oh! I see Garroth, catch you later y/n! Bye!" Laurence then left me speechless. I have to go see if Gene is okay! I then left running out of the school.

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