Meeting Him: Yugi

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''Mom I dunno about this, you know what happened the last 4 times I transferred schools. What makes you think Domino high is going to be any different? Its bigger, got more kids and now we're talking numbers and ratio's I have a higher probable chance to get bullied and beaten up there than anywhere else I attended.'' You said to your mother after pulling your jacket on, Yup you were a transfer student a cute smart one at that, but that didn't mean you were great at making friends and you got bullied a lot because kids were jealous of your adorable looks and your smarts, either when it came to class or duelling. Your mother smiled and pulled you into a tight hug,

''its alright hunnie, call it a mother's intuition you will make a wonderful friend at this school and that will lead to more friendships too, you know a mothers intuition is never wrong'' she said staring into her crystal ball, you just stared at her with a bored look on your face. Yeah your mother was a fortune teller and that fact kind of weirded you out since you didn't belive in stuff like that but you accepted the fact to her face so you didn't upset her,

''uhh sure mom can we just go now so I can get this day over with?'' you said grabbing your bag and walking out to where your mom's car was getting into the passenger seat and waiting for her. After a short drive you arrived at the school your mom hugged you goodbye at the office where the teacher greeted you and lead you to your classroom.

''Alright class settle down we have a transfer student joining us today, and be nice okay? Go on introduce yourself'' the teacher said you looked up slightly only to look back to the ground nervously,

'' name is (y/n) (l/n), please take care of me!'' you said nervously before giving a small embarrassed bow

''well then (y/n) why don't you go and take a seat in that empty chair there, the one next to Yugi. Yugi please raise your hand'' the teacher said you looked up to see a boy with spiky tri-coloured hair and big panda eyes raise his hand with a smile. You made your way over quickly then sat down next to him,

''hi, I'm Yugi nice to meet you (y/n)'' Yugi said from next to you. You looked over to him a little surprised

''huh? Your...not gonna make fun of me?'' you asked quietly he looked shocked that you would even ask such a thing but he shook his head and smiled again.

''What? Why would I do that? I was actually gonna ask that because your new you probably don't have any friends here yet right? So do you wanna be my friend?'' he asked, at this you dropped your pen onto the desk and just stared at him

''really? You wanna be friends with me?'' you asked, he nodded ''well....sure okay I hope we can be great friends... Yugi'' you said with a smile. Even though you were nervous the fact that you had already made a friend made you happier plus that friend was pretty adorable with his big eyes and his little smile. You started feeling a little more confident in yourself.

''Alright class who can tell us what the meaning of the word 'Disambiguate'?'' the teacher asked after an hour of calculus you were now onto literature you looked around the class but everyone either looked really confused, stared blankly at the word on the chalk board or looked like their brain hurt from thinking too much, you took a little breath the raised you hand making the teacher smile at you ''yes (y/n)?'' the teacher said and with that all eyes were on you as you stood up nervously.

You felt a small tug on your sleeve and glanced down to Yugi who smiled and showed you a thumbs up as if he was saying 'you'll be fine just believe in yourself and have confidence' you smiled back and took another little breath

''well its actually a word that has a very simple meaning it basically just means to clarify or clear up. If it were to be used in a sentence you could say the following 'could you please disambiguate what you mean by that' or 'I wish this rain would disambiguate so I can go to the beach with my friends this weekend' Its also the opposite of ambiguous which then obviously means unclear or vague'' you said in the most confident tone you could muster up.

''Very well done (y/n) I'm impressed at the amount of detail you put into that you may sit back down now'' the teacher said with a big smile as the rest of the class just stared at you in shock,

''wow (y/n) your awesome. You said that so clearly that I understood perfectly your really smart thanks for making that explanation so disambiguate'' Yugi whispered to you after you sat back down, you turned to him then giggled quietly when you realised what he had done

''haha, if you can use the word that easily then I must have explained it well, thanks Yugi for not making fun of my smarts or my looks'' you said Yugi just smiled and gave you a quick side hug before you guys went back to focusing on class. After school was over you walked home with Yugi and your other new friends Tea, Tristen, Joey and Yami who was in the year above you guys.

As soon as you got in the house you told your mom about how you made friends with Yugi instantly and how he introduced you to your other friends, after that you took a bath then texted Yugi for the rest of the night before you both went to sleep. 'Looks like a mothers intuition is always right, at least I think it was the intuition and not the fortune telling' you thought as you drifted off thinking of your new friend Yugi and how much you couldn't wait to see him again.

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