Watching You Dual/ Feelings: Yami

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"Yamiiii!" Yugi shouted bursting into the empty classroom where Yami was finishing packing up his school books he looked up surprised when Yugi grabbed his arm and started dragging him into the schools court yard where a massive group of people were gathered,

"Yugi? What's going on?" Yami exclaimed

"you have to see this! (Y/n)'s duelling Kaiba!" He shouted as he dragged him to the front of the crowd where all your friends were standing worriedly

"Ahhrg" you shouted as you got knocked to the ground and your life points drained down to 50

"(Y/n)!" Yami shouted, he was worried because he had developed deep feelings for you, he loved everything about you, your energy and passion for duelling, how smart and logical you were. Your sense of humour, your smile... Everything. He had often found his mind wander off to think about you as he stared at you in class before snapping out if it to focus on his work.

"Alright Kaiba my draw!" You growled annoyed, you had challenged him to a duel because he had been spouting nasty shit about Yami that wasn't true and it had pissed you off,

you looked to the card and smiled this is what you were hoping for

"What are you smiling about?" Kaiba asked, he was confident because he still had 1800 life points left and he had his blue eyes out but this was making him uneasy.

"Oh nothing just that I drew the exact card I needed. I tribute my Cobal- Excavator Of Dark World in order to summon Fortune Lady Dark. And now I activate her special ability to change her to level 12, therefore raising her attack and defense to 4500 each! Now Fortune Lady Dark, attack Blue Eyes White Dragon with dark cyclone attack!" You shouted his monster was destroyed and the last of his life points wiped out.

You took a shaky breath and fell to your knees exhausted, you felt someone run to your side to see your friends smiling, Yami knelt down beside you with a slightly worried look,

"(Y/n), are you alright?" He asked you just smiled

"I'm good, just surprised that I actually beat him man I was an idiot to challenge him to a dual" you said with a sly smile

"why did you challenge Kaiba?" He asked as he pulled you to your feet, you blushed when he asked you that. You were crushing hardcore on Yami, I mean why wouldn't you he was hot and he was an Egyption pharaoh everything about him was fascinating and dazzling to you. So when Kaiba was being a jerk you snapped,

"you should have seen it dude! Kaiba came up and was saying things like Yami is a pathetic and worthless piece of trash I want a rematch so I can smash him into the dirt where he belongs. Well (y/n) she was shaking in rage when he said that stuff then she just snapped and challaged him to a dual so.....OW!" Joey started before Yugi elbowed his stomach

"shut up Joey!" He hissed, you blushed a deeper shade of red as he spoke. Yugi knew you liked Yami because you were comfortable speaking to him about it he also knew Yami liked you so he was helping you both. Joey had no clue but even still Yugi was trying to help you both out subtlety,

"you mean you were duelling to stand up for me?'' Yami asked, you shyly nodded your head as his smiled. He could feel his heart hammering and face heat up as could you with your own. "Thank you (y/n) it makes me happy to know your standing up for me, and it looks like your improved deck is much easier to handle" he said smiling,

"yeah it is thank you for helping me with it Yami" you said smiling back at him. After that you and your friends all decided to go to the arcade for a while to chill out after a long day of school.

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