Bad Luck: Yusei

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"Aaand there all done" you said rolling yourself out from under your duel runner you had just finished upgrading it and were ready to take it out on a little test run,

"how fast do you think it'll go?" Yusei asked wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, you smiled and put the tool you were holding back on the table

"fast enough to help me summon Icy Storm a lot easier and it can handle his power, at least that's the theory gotta take it for a test run to be sure though. Hey Rally time me" you said throwing the stopwatch to the exited Rally

"You got it boss!" Rally said in salute making you and Yusei laugh as you put on your helmet and got in position on your runner. "3....2....1....GO!" Rally shouted and you took off down the tunnels keeping an eye on your speed and all the hydromatics making sure everything was working how they should.

"Wait...what's that?" You muttered seeing a large shadow a little bit away as you got closer it came into view and your eyes widened "is that.... Red Dragon Archfiend?!" You shouted as it launched a fireball at you, you knew it wasn't going to actually hurt you but it still scared you seeing a huge ball of combusted oxygen flying straight at your face. You pulled in your breaks as hard as you could making you loose control of your runner.

Your runner threw you out of it and skidded across the tunnel colliding with the wall, a large crashing sound echoing through the tunnels. You were hurt, not badly at least you hoped it wasnt serious but you did bang your knee hard off the ground so it was hard to move it, lucky it was your leg and not your head, thank god for helmets. You were just hoping the bone wasn't chipped from the force.

You looked up a little to see Jack smirking and walking towards you and before you knew it you had passed out from the pain in your leg.

Yusei and Rally were smiling looking at the stopwatch that was until


"Y....Yusei you don't think that was" Rally stuttered but Yusei had already pulled on his helmet and jumped on his duel runner heading off as fast as he could. When he got to the scene the only thing he saw was your duel runner up in smoke but you were no where to be seen,

Yusei got off his runner when he saw something on the floor of the tunnel a card,

"Icy Storm Dragon.....wait what's this?" Yusei said turning over your card to see a note taped to the back

Yusei if you want your precious y/n back you know where to find me, so come and get her.  -Jack

Yusei scrunched up the note and threw it as far as he could, then he placed your Icy Dragon in his extra deck next to Stardust, he took your wrecked runner back to his bit and began working on it alone as he thought about where Jack meant.

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