Confessions: Yuma

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You were walking through the school grounds after the school day ended when you looked up you noticed a dual was going on, when you walked over you saw that it was Shark vs Yuma... No surprise there the thing that did surprise you though was that Astral was watching the dual instead of helping Yuma.

You walked over and stood beside him, he noticed you and gave you a smile which you returned

"Hello (y/n)" he said

"Hi Astral, I was wondering why are you not helping Yuma dual? Normally your always helping him dual" you said rather confused you swore you saw him smirk a little something not often seen on Astral.

"This is one battle he must overcome alone" was all Astral said before your attention was drawn back to the dual

"remember if I win this dual Yuma you have to confess! And it looks like without Astral that's gonna be right now, go Shark Drake take out Utopia!" Shark shouted now you were even more confused,

"what does he mean by confess?" You asked Astral as Yuma's life points dropped to zero.

"You'll see" he said with a smirk as he moved over next to Shark, you noticed Yuma walking over to you with a feirce blush on his face, you felt your own face heat up as he stopped in front of you,

You looked around to see everyone surrounding the two of you in a circle, Tori, Bronk and all your other friends were all smiling and smirking alike, your attention was turned back to Yuma when he put a hand on top of your head to ruffle your hair,

"Yuma?" You asked

"um, okay I lost so now I have to confess I guess so here goes. (y/n) I really, really like you as in more than a friend so will you um.... Be my girlfriend?" He asked all the chatting of the students around you stopped as they all stared at you awaiting your answer

You were blushing.... A lot and you were finding it hard to say that one little word because everyone was staring at you so intently, because your voice decided to run away you just nodded shyly before hugging Yuma,

Everyone clapped then started to make they're ways home. You looked over to your friends who smiled, Shark walked over to you guys and pushed on Yuma's shoulder playfully

"Your welcome" he said before walking away

"I love you Yuma" you whispered he heard you and smiled

"Love you too" he replied then you linked hands and started walking home with Yuma and Tori with Astral floating beside you guys. telling Yuma over and over that he was right in predicting that you liked him back.

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