Meeting Him: Astral

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(Before anyone says why are you doing Astral?! He is as much of a main character as Yuma. Plus he's my bae how could I not do him I mean look at that face could you say no to a face as cute as that! I didn't think so lol)

You were reading through one of your favorite books, a book on the solar system were you a nerd? No not really but you always loved the idea of alien life living in other galaxies spread across the universe the thought of that excited you, you were away in your own little world when you heard your mother shouting up to you.

"(Y/n)! Yuma is here to see you!" She shouted up, you lived next door to Yuma and were pretty close friends with him Tori and all the others, you smiled and walked down the stairs and went out into your garden where the sun was just beginning to set

"hey (y/n)!" Yuma said happily you grinned and gave him a high five

"hey Yuma, what's up?" You asked he smiled and held onto his key that he always wore around his neck, you knew it was precious to him.

"I wanted to introduce you to a good friend of mines but all depends if you can see him or not cause so far I'm the only one who can see him" he said with a sheepish smile you slowly nodded with a smile

"alright Astral come on out" Yuma said at first you thought he was going crazy, until you saw light particals emerge from the key and form together until a strange being was floating beside Yuma. His skin was pale blue and littered with green markings, he had blue gems scattered on his body and his eyes were hetrochromic the right being white and the left being gold.

You stared with wide eyes and you mouth slightly a gape and stared back at you with a curious yet adorable look on his face,

"I'm guessing by the look on your face you can see him?" Yuma asked, you just nodded fascinated my the being right in front of you. "Great well (y/n) this is Astral, Astral my friend (y/n)" Yuma said smiling between the two of you,

"um nice to meet you Astral. I hope I can be good friends with you too" you said holding your hand out his look of curiosity turned into a smile as he shook your hand, surprisingly as see through as he looked you could feel him there as if he was a solid person

"it is nice to meet you too, (y/n) I too hope we can become good friends" he said still smiling.

"Wait hold on a minuet?! Astrals an alien how can you touch him as if he was malleable?" Yuma asked as his hand went right through Astrals other hand, Astral then looked to me a little confused too,

"that is true not only can you see me, but you can touch me too are you some kind of special human?" He asked you blinked a couple of times

"huh? No I don't think so as far as I know I'm just as normal as any human......well other than Yuma he's a special kind of normal" you said with a slight giggle, you loved making fun of Yuma as long as it was a gentle make fun of,

".....haha I can understand that, we think alike (y/n) I think we are going to make very good friends" Astral said with a chuckle you smiled and sat down on the grass looking up to the sunset Yuma and Astral sat either side of you.

"By the way, if you want to know anything about Astral you can just ask him after all he is an alien" Yuma said laying back on the grass and looking up to the orange sky. You looked to Astral and he nodded,

"Okay well its not like I want to know much but I do have a few questions. What planet or world do you come from?" You asked

"I come from a place called Astral world, and we are at war with a place called Barian world. You see Astral world is the bright positive place, we are beings of light and positive emotions. However the Barians are dark violent beings they prefer to use force to get their point across" Astral said you nodded and looked up to the sky, wishing you could see the place for yourself,

"Wait how did you learn to dual? Is it something you were taught or knowledge you just automatically acquired when you were born?" You asked he smiled

"I think I was born with that knowledge, I've known how to dual for as long as I can remember" he said you nodded and looked up to the stars that were now shining brightly,

"Yuma! Come on its time for dinner!" You heard Kari, Yuma's big sister shout he sat up and shouted back

"okay coming! Come on Astral we better go, if you want I can lend you my key tomorrow (y/n) and you and Astral can hang out or something" you were surprised that he was offering to let you keep his key for the day but you smiled and nodded,

"see you tomorrow Astral" you said with a smile as you hugged him, he smiled and hugged you back

"yes see you tomorrow (y/n)" he replied before disappearing into the key. You said goodbye to Yuma then went inside and drew a bath for yourself,

'Astral is awesome I know we're gonna get on great and I can't wait to see him again tomorrow' you thought as you sunk yourself in the warm soapy water.

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