He Hears You Sing: Yugi

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For all the chapters press play on the song when you see the lyrics

Yugi and you were in class whilst the lecturer was going on about having an assignment to do, one where you had to choose a song and perform it for the class, of course you being the shy person you were, you were worried about letting the rest of the class hear you sing. Your mother always told you that you had a beautiful singing voice and that you shouldn't put yourself down as much as you did, at lunch you were in the cafeteria with Yugi eating lunch since the others were all away at clubs and Yami was on an errand for one of the teachers.

''So have you decided what song your going to sing for the assignment (y/n)?'' Yugi asked sipping his soda you turned to face him and nodded,

''yeah I know what I'm gonna sing its one my mom used to sing to me as a lullaby when I was a little girl but.....'' You stared then turned your eyes down to your food which you had only eaten half of, Yugi of course being one to care for his friends lay his hand on your shoulder worriedly

''but? But what (y/n)?'' He asked

''its just I'm not confident that I can do this, I mean I know the song and I love it but I don't think I'm a good singer and I'm so shy I might mess up then I'll fail'' you said sadly, Yugi hated seeing you sad he smiled a little and gave you a reassuring hug

''well if your nervous about that why don't I help you get your confidence up. I'm sure that way you'll feel much better plus I'm sure you have an amazing voice so I don't think that's anything to worry about'' he said standing up from his seat then holding his hand down to help you up, you smiled thankfully and let him pull you to your feet,

''thanks Yugi, that would mean a lot to me'' you said as you both started walking in the direction of the music room.

Once there you sat down at the piano and looked over to Yugi who was sitting right beside you, he smiled and gave you a thumbs up, you nodded and started to play exactly how you remembered your mom doing it.

Sakura: Nightcore Version- Original by Che' Nelle and is Japanese
Sakura when I see it all hit the ground
My heart gets weak
'Cause that dream that you and I had made
Is still so clear in me
And I wonder if that day will come
Where we could make it real
Baby will I ever see you
Sakura will I breathe again

I keep imagining you in front of me
Everywhere I go, I find
Myself back in time with you
Can't help remembering

And I keep looking out my window
Hoping you would come home
Even though we said it was over
I can still hear your voice

I try to tell you that I'm doing alright
Even though my heart is feeling so tight
But I'm feeling so alone in this
And life's not right without you

Each day it gets harder and
I wish that I could say I love you
All over again
Can't you see
What we used to be

Sakura when I see it all hit the ground
My heart gets weak
'Cause that dream that you and I had made
Is still so clear in me
And I wonder if that day will come
Where we could make it real
Baby will I ever see you

Sakura will I breathe again
and I wonder if we could make it real
will I ever see you
Sakura will I breath again.

After you finished you looked nervously over to Yugi but he just stared at you with his big panda eyes filled with admiration and wonder, it was honestly kind of cute but then again Yugi was always cute, you blushed a little under his gaze

''um Yugi? Was it okay?'' you asked he snapped out of his trance and grabbed you hands smiling widely,

''okay? It was amazing so much for not being able to sing your voice is amazing you have no reason to be shy or nervous when you sing this to the class (y/n)!'' he exclaimed hugging you and laughing you giggled and hugged him back,

''th....thanks Yugi I'm glad I have you to cheer me on. But I'm still nervous there's a lot of people in our class and their brining Yami's class in too so that the assignments last all day I can't sing in front of all those people'' you stutter but Yugi just showed you a smile and you instantly relaxed, he always found a way to make you relax even without trying.

''Then pretend there isn't that many people, just pretend your singing to only me like you did just there then you'll be fine'' he said you thought about his idea and it was a good one you felt fine singing to him just now so just block everyone out and pretend you just singing to him. Well it was always worth the shot

''okay your right I just gotta keep my mind off the number of people watching me and keep my mind on the song that way I'll be fine. Haha thanks Yugi your the best friend ever!'' You said hugging him, this time it was his turn to blush after all he was always the one to hug you, he never expected this but none the less he hugged you back happily.

You guys spent the rest of lunch practicing your songs to one another then continued to practice at his house afterwards and of course you guys let Yami join in since he always walked home with you guys and lived in the same house as Yugi even if they weren't biological brothers, and it was a lot of fun you definitely got a confidence boost, and when the time of the assignment came around you aced it all of you did.

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