Bad Luck: Yami

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(Just so you know two things, A. These ones arent all going to be arguments with your bf maybe if they end up that way sure but its called bad luck not arguments. And. B. This book is almost finished cause I've got other things I want to publish too so yey!)

You sat inside the nurses office holding the ice pack to your head, you didn't understand why you had been having such bad luck today,

First you woke up late then stubbed your toe trying to get ready in a hurry, then as you were on your way to school you were almost run over twice, then in cooking class you cut your hand in five different places, then as you were walking to the nurses office you fell down the stairs and hit your head on the wall.

It was lucky that you weren't seriously hurt or worse but your hand hurt and so did your head, you were trying to not tell your friends about your luck so you were trying to stay a little away from them especially Yami.

"Y/n! Are you alright my queen?"..... Speak of the Pharaoh, you internally groaned you didn't want him seeing you like this but you turned around to instantly be pulled into his strong arms,

"I'm... Fine Yami really, I've just had a lot of really bad luck today that's all" you said knowing this would be his reaction, despite being quite unresponsive emotionally to things if anything happened to you or Yugi he would be a panicking mess.

"Bad luck? I don't think so that's just me messing with your mind and now I think I'll take you as my own!" A voice echoed through the room Yami started pulling you closer but you felt yourself get pulled away from him quickly until you were facing him with someone behind you, holding you in place. "Your coming with me" he said

"Let her go Marik!" Yami shouted, he was pissed of and all to right but Marik just laughed as you both started being surrounded in shadows

"You want her Pharaoh? Come get her!" Marik said amused



It was too late Marik had taken you.

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