Meeting Him: Yusei

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You were looking through a pile of scrap metal in the tunnels of Satellite, you were just taking a look to see if you could find anything to upgrade your dual runner, you were about to gather up the parts you had collected and head back to your shelter when you heard people shouting down the tunnel.

"Stop right there! That's a stolen object you can't take that, we're taking you in!" You sighed and rubbed your temples,

"I didn't steal nothin'! It was just layin' on the ground I swear!" You heard a younger boys voice shout back

"sounds like Trudge is at it again, uh that guy really grinds my gears" you growled before securing the parts to the back of your dual runner then pulling your helmet on, you rev'd up your engine and took off in the direction of the shouting.

A few seconds later you saw them, you spun your dual rider around and landed right in between Trudge and the other boy, you gave Trudge an unimpressed look as to lent back in your seat,

"all right capin' crazy what are you blowing your top over this time ya nut case" you said in a bored tone as you raised the viser on your helmet, he glared at you annoyed that you interfered,

"so we meet once again (y/n), and my name is not capin' crazy! How many times do I need to tell you that!" He shouted his face red you just smirked and raised an eyebrow,

"really? Cause with a face like that I'd swear you were a crazy nut job" you said in a snarky tone he just growled and grinded his teeth together. "Wow buddy grind your teeth any harder and I'll have to start calling you gummy McNut job" you said, you could hear the boy behind you trying his hardest not to laugh. And honestly it was taking a fair amount of restraint to stop your self from falling off your dual rider in laughter.

"Trudge, we need your assistance in the northwest corner of Satellite call off what you are doing and assist us immidiatly and that is an order!" A voice came from through the intercom on Trudges helmet he clicked his tounge as you just smirked at him

"Aw looks like you have no choise but to help your little buddies all the way at the other end of Satellite and let this little guy go free. Jump on kid I'll take you back to where you live" you said smiling to the boy he smiled and jumped on your dual rider behind you as you gave him your spare helmet,

"I will get you back for this (y/n)" Trudge said as he got on his dual rider and faced the other direction, then sped off.

"Heh, hold on tight buddy this will be pretty fast, just tell me when I need to turn" you said he nodded and hugged into your back

"thanks for helping me I'm Rally" he said you smiled and nodded putting down your viser then speeding off following Rally's directions. Pretty soon you reached what looked like a train car that was being used for shelter you stopped your dual rider and turned off the engine. You looked up to find three guys coming out of the shelter look at you and Rally,

"Rally! Geez what trouble have you been getting into this time?" A guy with glasses asked Rally jumped off from behind you and lay the helmet on the seat,

"I wern't doing' nothin' bad! Trudge tried to take me in for findin' somethin' on the ground. But then this girl came by and got me out of it plus she's really funny too, thanks (y/n)!" Rally said hugging you after you stepped of your rider you smiled and hugged him back then took off your helmet.

"Its fine Rally, capin' cray-cray knows how to get under my skin anyway he drives me loco" you said grinning

"thanks for helping Rally. My names Yusei and these are our friends Tank, Blitz and Nervin" the guy with black spikey hair with yellow accents said holding out his hand with a kind smile.

"Its not a problem really" you replied shaking his hand, it was really warm making you smile a little,

"hey why don't you hang around for a while (y/n). You know if you want to be our friend at all" Yusei said you smiled then a red dual rider caught your eye you smile and looked back up to him,

"sure on one condition though" you said with a slight smirk which he returned

"and what would that be?" He asked you nodded your head towards his dual rider

"race me, doesn't matter about the winner or loser I'll hang out with you guys and be your friend either way but its been so long since I've had a good race that hasn't included a dual in it" you said Yusei nodded with a smirk and grabbed his jacket and helmet putting them on as you put your helmet back on. You lined up beside each other your engines roaring and ready to race.

"You ready (y/n)?" You heard Yusei's voice say through your helmet you looked to him and nodded "then let's rev it up! Go!" He shouted and you both took off racing all around Satellite, you already knew this was the start of a wonderful friendship.

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