Bad Luck: Yugi

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You were curled up in the corner of Yugi's room, you had been having a pretty bad day at school today and Yugi had invited you over to talk about it with you but for some reason as soon as you both got to his place he wasn't listening to you, he was ignoring you and just staring at the millennium puzzle which you thought was weird for two reasons. The first was he had never been like this around you, he always listened to you and was sweet the other was why he had the puzzle, when Yami had gotten his own body he took the puzzle since it was his since he was Pharaoh Atem so why was the puzzle with Yugi and not Yami?

Had stopped trying to talk to him after about five minuets because he wasn't even paying attention to you so what was the point in trying to talk to him if he wasn't even pretending to listen, eventually you got sick of it, you stood up and walked over to the bed where he was sitting

''Yugi'' you said quietly

''........'' nothing he continued staring at the golden puzzle in his hands, something about it irked you right now and you were really starting to loose your patience with Yugi, you grabbed the puzzle out of his hands and glared at him, this caught his attention and he stood up glaring back at you. ''Y/n give that back its not yours'' he said trying to keep his voice as flat as he could

''I know its not mines but its not exactly your anymore either, its Yami's and right now your paying more attention to this piece of metal than you are to me! I mean for gods sake Yugi you invited me here so you could talk to me about today that's what you said to me and yet here you are staring at the puzzle and acting as if I'm not even here!'' You shouted taking a few steps backwards so he couldn't grab the puzzle back

''not everything in my life is all about you Y/n! Just cause your my girlfriend doesn't mean you need to get all my attention all day, every day!'' he shouted back

''I know that Yugi! But you told me to come here with you! You told me you would be there for me today! You told me that you would listen to me and comfort me after today, so what are you saying that was all a lie?!'' you screamed your heart was tightening in your chest and your eyes were tearing up, you never had an argument with Yugi like this before and you hated it, but he needed to know that leading you on with a lie like this was hurtful.

''Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying because you know what Y/n! You are worth nothing compared to the millennium puzzle so give it back now or I'm going to have to take it from you by force, even if that means hurting you!'' Yugi shouted, you stopped in your tracks your eyes wide

''you......'' you whispered Yugi seemed to realise what he had just said and a look of guilt instantly flashed across his face, he wrapped his arms around you hugging you but you pushed him away as hard as you could and thrusted the puzzle into his hands. ''Yugi Muto......I hate you!'' you snapped before running out of his house crying, you ran past Yami and Yugi's grampa who both tried to call out to you but you ignored them both and just kept running as far as you could.

As you were running you knocked into someone's back brining you to the ground, when you looked up through your tears you realised you recognised him the creator of dual monsters, Maximillian Pegasus,

''I am terribly sorry, are you alright?'' he asked helping you to stand up you nodded your head showing him you were fine, for some reason you saw something shine in his eyes and you started to get scared, ''your Yugi Muto's girlfriend aren't you?'' he asked you started to slowly walk backwards remembering what kind of a man he really was, but before you could start running something was pressed to your mouth making you pass out. ''Your coming with me young lady, I have a use for you'' was the last thing you heard before blacking out.

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