First Kiss: Yusei

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"(Y/n)!" Rally shouted as you got off your dual rider and pulled your helmet off, placing it on your seat. You turned around to see the boy running towards you tackling you into a hug making you laugh

"haha hey Rally, you seem more excited than normal what's up?" You said hugging him back he grinned up to you then grabbed your wrist pulling you inside at top speed,

"hey (y/n)" Tank, Blitz and Nervin all shouted as Rally rushed you both past the three of them

"hey guys!" You shouted running to keep up with your young friend. All of a sudden you felt Rally stop he yanked you until your were falling forwards

"Hey Yusei think fast!" He shouted, Yusei looked around from his dual rider to see you falling towards him, his eyes widened as he dropped his tools and held his arms out catching you against his chest.

"Rally what was that for you could have hurt her if I didn't turn around in time" Yusei said stearly but Rally just grinned with his thumbs up,

"Now kiss!" Rally said staring at you both, you felt your face heat up at the sudden statement. You glanced up and noticed that Yusei was just as red as you were

"R....Rally!?" Yusei snapped, Rally just laughed and ran off grinning like an idiot, you turned your attention fully on Yusei. You were going to make a joke but you found yourself staring into his gorgeous blue eyes, you couldn't look away you were captivated by how hot he looked. "Man he really needs to..... (Y/n)?" Yusei started before he saw you staring at him

"I um........" You whispered you started tearing your eyes off of his features but he stopped you with his finger on your chin pulling it back so your face was right in front of his

"maybe we should humour him" Yusei whispered before moving in and pressing his lips to yours, you had to admit it felt good his lips were soft and gentle as they molded with yours. You smiled and kissed him back pressing your hands to his chest.

You both were so caught up in well..... Each other that you didn't notice Rally, Tank, Blitz and Nervin all watching you with smiles from the doorway.

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