Bad Luck: Yuma

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It was your birthday today and sure whilst you never really cared about celebrating this day, your friends made it their spectical to make it the best birthday ever for you. Everyone had gotten you something, even Astral  got you a cute little charm bracelets with you and all your friends names on it, even his. This surprised you but it made you happy non the less,

Only one person hadn't given you anything today, your boyfriend Yuma but he seemed to be in rotten mood all day so you were fine just giving him his space to blow of any steam he needed to. Even Astral was trying to stay away from him today, he was spending most of his time with you or your other friends, just whoever he wanted to talk to.

"Y/n! Astral! Hey wait up!" A voice called out from behind you as you were starting to leave school with Astral, you turned around to see Shark running towards you guys, you both turned and smiled to him,

"hey Shark, what's up?" You asked Shark took a second to catch his breath then told you to turn around which you did all be it slightly confused, you felt him clip something around your neck making you look down to see a shark tooth necklace

"hey Shark, what's up?" You asked Shark took a second to catch his breath then told you to turn around which you did all be it slightly confused, you felt him clip something around your neck making you look down to see a shark tooth necklace

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"For your birthday, I didn't get the chance to give it to you earlier on and I remember how much you keep telling me you think mines is cool. So I thought you might like one of your own" Shark said proudly, you admired your new necklace then smiled brightly

"aw thanks Shark its awesome I love it" you said giving him a hug as thanks just then...

"What?! So know your cheating on me with Shark! First you avoid me all day now this?! What kind of girlfriend are you anyway?!" You heard Yuma shout you turned to him about to explain what was really happening but before you could even utter a word he slapped you.

Yuma seemed to realize what he did as his eyes widened as did yours as tears filled them,

"I hate you" you choked before running off, of course Shark and Astral gave Yuma a good telling off about what just happened. (Astral is bae and Shark is too but not two people I'd want to get told off by XD)

As you were running you felt someone grab your hand you turned to see someone who looked familiar to you,

"Ray?" You asked he smiled gently before that turned into a smirk and he changed his form

"Yes Y/n I'm Ray, also known as the Barian Vector! Now come with me!" He yelled in manic laughter before knocking you out and taking you with him.

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